Hope High School Student Recognized Area Wide

HOPE – Hope High School senior student Ebony Morrow was on air this week throughout the Ark-La-Tex region in recognition of her academic and leadership roles.
Morrow was featured by KMSS Fox 33 in Shreveport, LA and Texarkana, TX, as its “Student of the Week.”
Karen Edwards, morning anchor for the television station, made the announcement Monday prior to an interview segment filmed on the HHS campus Monday.
“She was nominated by a teacher and selected for her academics and leadership,” Edwards said during the taping session.
The segment aired Wednesday.
Morrow was nominated by HHS Agriculture Teacher Michael Henagan and HHS Junior Air Force Reserve Officer Training Director Msgt. Kenneth Funchess.
“She has always been a leader,” Henagan said, noting Morrow’s activity in the HHS Future Farmers of Americans Chapter.
Morrow has served as secretary and is currently treasurer of the FFA chapter, and has been instrumental in the chapter leadership in producing the annual FFA Rodeo.
Msgt. Funchess said Morrow has risen from the rank of cadet to flight commander during her tenure in JROTC.
“She is a person who goes and does what is needed,” he said.
Academically, Morrow, 18, has been inducted into the National Honor Society. Morrow is also enrolled in the Hope Public Schools Concurrent Credit Program through the University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana, where she has completed classes towards an Associate’s Degree while at HHS.
She intends to attend Arkansas Tech University in Russellville after graduation and, ultimately, study agricultural law.
She is a senior class representative to the HHS Student Council. She has also participated in the Talent Search at HHS, and is currently vice president of the Key Club, which is sponsored by the Hipe Kiwanis Club.
“I’m just thrilled to be chosen,” Morrow said.
She credits stability in her family life and the support she has been given at HHS and within the larger Hope community for the growth of her leadership and academic skills.