Howard County Farmer’s Market opens May 5


NASHVILLE – Market Customers – Howard County Farmers’ Market will be opening Friday, May 5.  We need volunteers NOW to get ready for this season and also to help out once we open!  We especially need individuals to help with the following activities: 

1)   Photographing Events – Do you like taking photographs?  We have a lot of workshops and special events planned for this year and really need one or more at the market each day to record all that is happening!

2)  Garden, Landscape and Light Building Maintenance – Like to weed, prune, garden or ????  Each Friday volunteers are needed to help with light garden chores, pruning, painting and minor repairs at the market’s demo garden, Nashville Demonstration Organic Garden (NDOG).  Work as much or as little as you like any Fridays you are available!  Can’t make Fridays?  Many activities can be performed on other days at your convenience!  Any help will be greatly appreciated!

3)  Weekly Activities – Like being at the Farmers’ Market?  Help out with weekly market activities – coffee, produce drawings, hospitality, and more!  Also, help with the new Kidz Klub, weekly fun educational activities for children.  Lots to do at market each week and you can do your shopping too!

Please contact Debra Bolding at (870) 557-2352 or Mary Hartness at (501) 472-8092 asap if you are willing to help with any of these activities!

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