Beryl Henry Elementary Class Wins Reading Contest

HOPE – Fifth-grade students in the first period class of Bennie Lard at Beryl Henry Elementary School were recently recognized as winners of the Achieve 3000 Read To Succeed Contest.
Ms. Lard’s class accumulated at least 37,566 points through March in the school-wide competition.
“They can read at home, at school, anytime they have time,” Lard said.
She said her students began in February and had amassed almost 40,000 points to date from the contest. Points are awarded based upon assessment elements in 11 separate categories related to the material each student reads.
Reading materials are chosen by the student.
Lard said the competition has helped her students improve their reading and literacy skills.
The students were rewarded with a pizza party funded by a $30 gift card awarded the class by Achieve 3000, Inc.
“Of all the classes in the school that qualified for the contest, the grade 5 class of Ms. Lard was the class that earned the most average points,” the Achieve 3000 announcement noted. “We’re thrilled to reward their hard work with a gift card to spend on a celebration of their choice.”