HCSO log

Domestic Dispute
At approximately 12:26 a.m. on April 1, Deputy Sorensen was dispatched to 3711 Highway 67 East Lot #2 in reference to a domestic disturbance.
While enroute he observed a black male that matched the clothing description of the subject. Deputy Sorensen made contact with the subject.
He stated that he had been at a friend’s house and had been drinking a little. When he arrived home his fiancé, started yelling at him. She then threatened him by saying that she was going to call her sister and have her and her boyfriend come and beat him up. He stated that he was going to wait on the front porch for the sheriff’s deputies to arrive but when she told him her sister was going to beat him up he left the residence.
Deputy Sorensen made contact with a female at the residence. She stated that the suspect had hidden all of the knives from the kitchen and had threatened her with them. Deputy Sorensen asked her how he threatened her and she stated that he had hidden them.
Deputy Sorensen made contact with suspect again. And inquired about the knives and he stated that he had hidden them. He stated that finance had been acting crazy lately and he had hidden them so she wouldn’t try and hurt him.
Aggravated Assault
At approximately 8 p.m. on April 1, Deputy Sorensen was dispatched to the Hempstead County Detention Center in reference to a fight.
Upon arrival, he made contact with Detention Officer Kyle Shelby. Who stated that at approximately 1721 hours he was in C-pod and heard a loud noise coming from D-pod. He then ran to D-pod and opened the door where he then observed two inmates fighting. He stated that he separated the two. And determined that the aggressor was 22-year-old Kahrie Anderson being held on Failure to Appear.
Deputy Sorensen then made contact with 21-year-old Timothy Thompson also being held on. Failure to appear who stated that he had been given a newspaper earlier in the day. When he returned to D-pod he placed the newspaper on his bed. a short while later he noticed part of the newspaper was gone. He asked several people where his newspaper was and they stated that they didn’t know.
Thompson then observed the newspaper on the end of K’harie bed Thompson grabbed the newspaper and accused K’harie of taking it. He and K’harie then got into a verbal argument which turned physical Timothy stated that he believes he blacked out at this point as he didn’t remember anything else until he woke up lying on the floor.
Thompson was transported to Wadley ER by Hempstead County Transport Officers. The incident remains under Investigation.
Aggravated Assault
On April 1, at approximately 12:23 a.m., Deputy Landon Loe was dispatched to 3040 Hempstead 16 in reference to a private property accident.
Upon arrival, he made contact with the caller who stated that an individual had been over at his house earlier in the evening. He stated that the individual was starting to get into an argument with his girlfriend when he asked him to leave. Caller stated that when he asked the person to leave that the person became very irate and was trying to fight with him.
Caller stated that the person then got into a White Chrysler Pacifica, unknown license plate, and then proceeded to try and run him over multiple times. Caller stated that one of the times the person was attempting to run him over, he ran into the rear left side bumper of his 2006 Honda Odyssey. Caller stated that the person then left the residence heading back towards Prescott.
Caller stated that the damage to his vehicle caused the rear hinge door to be unable to open and also dislocate the bumper. Deputy Loe observed several tire treads in the yard where it appeared a vehicle was moving back and forth multiple times while spinning the tires. The caller provided Deputy Loe with the identity of the Suspect and the vehicle involved.
The incident remains under investigation.
Criminal Mischief
At approximately 11:51 a.m., on April 1, Sgt. Jim Bush was dispatched to 770 Hempstead 23 in reference to a criminal mischief.
Upon arrival, he made contact with David Salisbury. David stated that sometime between 2330 last night and 1100 this morning someone hit his mailbox. David stated that it was while he was asleep and he did not hear or see anything.
Sgt. Bush observed that the large auger bit that he used for a mailbox post was damaged low to the ground and bent as though someone hit it with as they were going north on Hempstead 23. he was unable to locate any parts of any vehicle or any evidence of what hit it.
Criminal Mischief
On April 1, at approximately 8:45p.m., Deputy Landon Loe was dispatched to 4440 Highway 29 South in reference to criminal mischief.
Upon arrival, he made contact with Thomas Jimenez who stated that he noticed on his home surveillance system at around 0400 hours this morning, a car stopped in front of his mailbox. Thomas stated that an individual got out of the passenger’s seat and went over to his mailbox and began to violently push and pull the mailbox, attempting to tear it from the pole it was mounted to.
Thomas showed Deputy Loe a copy of the video and the car appeared to stop right before the mailbox, turned off its headlights, and then the passenger exited. The video was not clear enough to determine a make or model of the vehicle, or to get a clear description of the individual attempting to dislodge the mailbox. The vehicle was stopped for only approximately 20 seconds before the passenger returned to the car and then the car drove away driving South on Highway 29. The vehicle exited the camera frame and it wasn’t clear what direction of travel the car made after leaving the residence.
Deputy Loe told Mr. Jimenez that the HCSO would increase patrols in the area.
On April 2, at approximately 6:51p.m., Deputy Landon Loe was given a name and number by dispatch in reference to a theft.
Deputy Loe made contact with April Helmick who stated that sometime on Thursday March 30, 2017 she let her red nose Pit Bull service dog Sugar outside to use the restroom. April stated that the dog will normally go behind the house and chase different wildlife around, and then return shortly after to the house. April stated that she called for the dog several times that night, but stated that she never returned. April stated that she didn’t think anything of it at the time, as the dog will sleep underneath the carport sometimes.
April stated that over the course of the next few days, she began searching for the dog and posted a status on Facebook asking for help looking for her dog. April stated that she didn’t consider contacting the Sheriff’s Office until today when she realized the dog might have been stolen.
April stated that now she believes someone has stolen her dog due to the fact that the dog has extensive training and would rarely, if ever, roam away from the house. April stated that she isn’t sure who might have taken the dog, but that she believes someone might have taken it for it to be used in dog fighting. Deputy Loe asked April the value of the dog and she stated that the lady she originally got the dog form paid $800 for it, and with its service training, estimated the value to be somewhere around $1,000.
Outside Agency Assist
On April 3, at approximately 5 a.m., Deputy McBride was dispatched to the 6000 block of Highway 278 West in reference to an animal collision. Upon arrival, Mc Bride saw a black Nissan Altima sitting in the West bound lane facing East. The driver stated that he hit a large brown horse.
Trooper Darren Henley arrived on scene at this time and Deputy McBride turned the accident over to him.
The vehicle was towed by Blevins Wrecker.
Home Invasion
On April 3, at approximately 6:30 a.m., Deputy McBride was dispatched to 146 Hempstead 23 lot 11 in reference to a residential burglary. Upon arrival, he made contact with the 38-year-old female victim who stated that she in bed and heard someone attempting to break into the residence through the air conditioning unit. victim stated that it sounded like someone then was attempting to rip the under pinning. Victim said that she then heard something that sounded like a duck call.
Victim stated that she must have dosed off and was woke up by a loud noise in the living room. Victim stated that the dog got up and was standing at the end of the bed. Victim stated that two white males came into the bedroom, wearing black ski mask and button up, long sleeve shirts. Victim stated that one of the subjects grabbed the dog; and held the dog down on the bed by the throat. Victim stated that the other subject then grabbed her and pulled her off the bed. stated that he told her to give him, her cell phone. victim stated that he got the cell phone and sent her husband a text message.
The text message stated “Say bye to the B***H.”
Pafford Emergency Medical Services arrived on scene and checked on the female victim. Who denied medical attention at this time. Deputy Mc Bride was unable to locate any marks or injuries on the victim at the time. The subjects made entry through the front door, but the door was not damaged during the break in.
Theft of Property
On April 3, at approximately 9 a.m., Deputy Mc Bride was contacted by Patrick Martin at the Hempstead County Sheriff’s Office in reference to a theft of a firearm. Patrick stated that he was at his property at the end of Hempstead 153 working. Patrick stated that when he arrived back to the hog pen, he saw that his hog was missing, along with a dark brown wood Marlin 30-30 rifle that had a fluorescent sight on the rear. Patrick stated that the rifle was in rough shape and was rusted. Patrick stated that the fluorescent sight was homemade.
Burglary/Theft of Property
On April 3, at approximately 10:30 a.m., Deputy McBride was dispatched to 2403 West Plainview in reference to a residential burglary. Upon arrival, he spoke with Hal Goud. Hal stated that he was gone from the residence for approximately two weeks.
Hal stated that his dad, Joe Goud was living in the residence, but left for a rehabilitation center three days ago. Hal stated that there is a black refrigerator, a marble top table, a queen size bed set, two brown end tables, and an antique toy chest missing at this time.
While walking through the house, Deputy McBride saw the back door was open. After inspecting the back door, Deputy McBride discovered that the lock was torn up and did not function properly. The door was held shut with a piece of metal and a nail.
Hal stated that the door has been broken for a long time. Hal demonstrated that the door will unlock itself when the door knob is moved. Hal stated that Joe had a lot of people staying in the house and he did not know who all they were.
Criminal Mischief
On April 3, at approximately 11:30 a.m., Deputy McBride was contacted by Malissa Chaney at the Hempstead County Sheriff’s Office in reference to criminal mischief. Malissa stated that on March 31, 2017 someone came into her yard and shot her dog. Malissa stated that the she found the dog in a pile of leaves behind her shop. Malissa stated that the dog was not chained up or in a pen.
Harassing Communications
On April 3, at approximately 3:31p.m., Deputy Malone was contacted by dispatch in reference to traffic in the lobby of the Hempstead County Sheriff’s Office in reference to Harassment.
Upon arrival, he made contact with female victim. Who stated that, her Ex-boyfriend has been texting her repeatedly approximately 13 times today. Victim also stated that her ex-boyfriend has called her phone approximately 7 times in the past two days. Victim stated that she wants he ex-boyfriend to leave her alone.
Deputy Malone made contract with the ex-boyfriend and informed him to stop texting and calling the victim or he would be charged with Harassment.
Domestic Disturbance
Warrant Service
On April 3, at approximately 6:51p.m., Deputy Tuberville was dispatched to 215 Hempstead 248 in reference to a Domestic Disturbance. Dispatched advised the caller Carolyn Porter stated her son Michal Lewis was inside her residence, and she wanted him removed for the property.
Upon arrival, He made contact with Carolyn Porter. Carolyn stated earlier today when she was getting ready to go into work her son Michael Lewis asked if he could use her phone. Carolyn stated she told Michael no, and Michael became very belligerent. Carolyn stated she got into her vehicle and called 911 and Michael swung a garden rake or a garden hoe striking the side of her vehicle.
Deputy Tuberville made contact with Michael Lewis inside of the residence. Michael stated he did not know what was going on.
Deputy Tuberville ran a warrant check on Michael by name and date of birth through dispatch, and who advised Deputy Tuberville Michael had a Failure to Appear warrant with the Hempstead County for the amount of $1,135.00 dollars, and a failure to appear with the Hope Police Department of the amount of $2,950.00 dollars.
Deputy Tuberville placed Michael under arrest, and Michael stated he could not place his hand very far behind his back due to having metal rods in his back. Deputy Tuberville interlocked two pairs of handcuffs together, and placed them on Michael checking for proper fit and double locking.
Deputy Tuberville then placed Michael inside my patrol unit, and transported Michael to the Hempstead County Detention Center. Deputy Tuberville served Michael with failure to appear warrant with a court date of May 08, 2017 at 0900 hours at the Hempstead County Court House.
Roadway Obstruction
On April 3, at approximately 7:16 p.m., Deputy Malone was dispatched to the 200 block of Hempstead 33 South in reference to someone’s trailer blocking the roadway.
Upon his arrival, Deputy Malone observed a flatbed trailer parked on the side of the road in front of 296 Hempstead 33 South. The owner of the trailer is Randy Whitaker. The trailer was partly on the road, but was not blocking traffic,
Deputy Malone then made contact with, the complainant, by phone and informed him that the trailer is not blocking the roadway. He stated that he was just worried that if someone drove through there fast they might hit it. Deputy Malone didn’t believe that the trailer will be a road hazard.
On April 4, at approximately 1:57a.m., Deputy Malone was dispatched to 3000 West Avenue B Apartment 64 in reference to a Suspicious person.
Upon arrival, he made contact with Destinee Roy. Destinee stated that between 0150 and 0200 hours a person started beating and banging on her door, and told her to let them in. Destinee said that she told the person no and to leave. She stated that she does not know who the person was, what they were wearing, what race they were, or what they were driving, because she did not look to see.
Destinee stated that she first pretended that she was on the phone with the police in an effort to get them to go away, but the person did not believe her and continued to beat on her door. Destinee stated that she then called 911, and put her phone on speaker phone so the person could hear the dispatcher talking to her through her door. She stated that the person then stopped beating on her door, and she believes that they left once they heard that the police were on their way. The person left prior to deputy’s arrival and Deputy Malone did not locate anyone walking around the apartment complex.