20 named to Who’s Who from UAHT

HOPE – The University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana had 20 students named to the Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities list.
Each year, a select group of students is called forward to accept one of the most prestigious awards the academic community can bestow — selection to Who’s Who Among Students. This exclusive honor is conferred by more than 1,000 schools in all 50 states and the District of Columbia and is symbolized by the presentation of an award certificate.
Selections to Who’s Who Among Students are made each fall by individual schools. Campus nominating committees, created to nominate students eligible for the program, are composed of representatives from the faculty, administration and student body. Criteria for nomination are based on GPA, participation and leadership within school organization and extracurricular activities, community involvement, and future leadership ability and/or potential. This procedure of nomination succeeds in highlighting the individual and diverse service to community and school. These are the students who enhance the positive image of the American students through their contributions to community and school.
The following students from UofA Hope-Texarkana were named Who’s Who Among Students:
Amy Cox of Fulton, AR
Latashia Hale of Hope, AR
Katy Matamoros of Hope, AR
Elonda Williams of Lewisville, AR
Kristopher McWhorter of Lockesburg, AR
Kalynn Coats of Magnolia, AR
Katlynn Coats of Magnolia, AR
Amber Stone of Nashville, AR
Barbara Evans of Prescott, AR
Sheneka Ganaway of Stamps, AR
Reginald Roy of Stamps, AR
Sarah Jenkins of Taylor, AR
Asiah Bradley of Texarkana, AR
Joel Butler of Texarkana, AR
Holly Franklin of Texarkana, AR
Hunter Osborne of Texarkana, TX
Andrew Padgett of Texarkana, AR
Danyelle Stewart of Texarkana, TX
Melissa Hughes of Wake Village, TX
Hannah Kincheloe of Waldo, AR