Hempstead County Cattlemen Metting with Good Turnout

The Hempstead County Cattlemen Hempstead County Cattlemen met Monday, April 24, at 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center in Hope for the monthly meeting.
Larry Byers voiced the Invocation. A delicious hamburger supper was prepared by Mark Lockhart and his helpers. Members furnished chips and dessert.
The Hope Livestock Auction sponsored the meeting. Kade Ford. speaking on behalf of the company, thanked the cattlemen for their many years of patronage.
Steven Sheets, program chairman, told about the several demonstrations he is involved in around the county. For more information about these demos, call the Extension Office at 777-5771.
Extension Agent, Terrie James, introduced two 4-H members who recently won with their cooking. Harlie Lockhart won with her Dip in the Party Division. Lane Lockhart won in the Main Dish Division with his Cheese Potatoes.
Jason Smith, from Sutton, introduced himself and talked about how to get the most from using HopePrescott.com.
Secretary Shanda Beasley and her assistants held the monthly door prize drawing. Winners were Brandon Sheets, Marion Byers, Marcus Beasley, Cody Lockhart, Kade Ford, Cassidy Beasley, Mitchell Powell, Johnny Thompson, and Joe Watkins.
Meeting adjourned.
Reported by La Juan Thompson