Blevins’ annual ACH fundraiser May 6

BLEVINS – Come one, come all, but most of all come hungry.
The annual Blevins fundraiser for the Arkansas Children’s Hospital will be from 4-7 p.m. on May 6, at the Blevins Elementary School cafeteria.
For the past 30 years this has been a staple event in Southwest Arkansas, attracting diners and donors from across this part of the state. According to Don Honea, over the years the event has raised and donated almost $300,000 to the ACH, and all money raised goes to the hospital as the food and raffle items are all donated.
The cost of the meal remains $5 per plate for adults and $2.50 for children. This hasn’t changed since the event began. The meal includes barbecue chicken, beef and pork, with cole slaw, baked beans, dessert and a drink. The price hasn’t changed so as to allow more people to come and enjoy the festivities.
Cooking typically begins the Friday night before the event, with some of the cooks getting up in the wee hours of Saturday morning to finish barbecuing the chicken, brisket and pork, make the cole slaw, baked beans and homemade desserts. Last year between 500-550 were fed at the event, with quite a few showing up for carryout. It’s not unusual for people to get five or six carryout trays to take home for the family to enjoy. Those who dine in will have their plates heaped with food.
Once again, the Bear Creek Boys will take center stage and provide entertainment from 4-7 p.m. The event will see a Henry .22 rifle being raffled off, along with other items. There will also be a cake auction at 7 p.m.
“We’re looking for a big turnout,” Honea said. “Serving starts at 4 and goes till the food runs out.”
This year’s event is being held in the memory of Betty Rogers, Delane Neece and Laurice Honea, who were involved with the fundraiser until their passing. “We’re dedicating the night to them,” Honea said.
All of the food consumed at the fundraiser is donated by area businesses. Last year, Honea said, 260 pounds of brisket, 16 hams, 15 boxes of leg quarters and 15 boxes of rolls were donated. There was also 18 gallons of baked beans and 300 pounds of potato salad for the diners.
The reason for the fundraiser, he said, is it’s a way for the community to give back to the ACH for the care area children who’ve gone there received. It began with a family whose child was in Children’s and wanted to give back to the hospital.
In the beginning, the event was held at the Blevins Volunteer Fire Department, but quickly outgrew that location and had to be moved to the BES cafeteria.
‘It takes a lot of people to put something like this together,” Honea said. “We can’t thank the businesses enough for their support. Churches also help us cut expenses, and we get a lot of support from the community. Without the community’s support, we couldn’t do this.”