NC Library summer reading program

PRESCOTT – With school almost over, the Nevada County Library has announced its summer reading program – Build a Better World.
The library is busy planning ahead with activities to keep the area youngsters occupied and entertained. This year’s summer reading program will focus on how participants can improve themselves, their community and the world.
These programs are free and open to the public to encourage reading for fun and education in enjoyable and innovative ways. This program includes infants through teens. The activities will include cultural and educational through music, movies, animal programs, food, crafts, special guest entertainers and more.
Registration begins on May 16 and continues through the duration of the program, July 12. The summer program will officially kick off at 10 a.m. on June 7, with a special performance by Zinse Agginnie of Hope and the Prescott High School Band.
Those interested in signing up can do so by visiting the front desk at the library during regular hours. For more information, visit, or call the library at 870-887-5846.