Virtual Academy Forum Scheduled

HOPE – Hope Superintendent Bobby Hart will meet in an open forum with parents and stakeholders interested in the concept of “virtual instruction” May 18 at 6 p.m. in the Hope Suite at Hempstead Hall on the University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana campus.
The district is studying the possible the development of a “virtual academy” where students enrolled in the HPS complete a portion or all of certain academic requirements on a home-based computer via the Internet.
Hart has said the district has “virtual instruction” capabilities and the software and hardware necessary to deliver the instruction. Those are among resources which the district will also offer parents of homeschooled children, he said.
Under state law, homeschooled students residing in a public school district may be afforded resources of the district if they are enrolled in the district.
Hart has said homeschooled children who enroll in the district may may participate in athletics, band, other extracurricular activities and academic classes.
The May 18 forum is open to the public and participants are under no obligation to the district as a result of their attendance.