Calling All Southwest Arkansas Boy Scouts

HOPE – Join Park Rangers and explore Pea Ridge National Military Park, float the Buffalo National River and tour a former president historic home at President William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Home National Historic Site: learn about the National Park Service mission; help protect the nation’s natural, cultural and historic resources. Participate in a volunteer service projects or educational program and earn a certificate or patch.
To earn your certificate or patch you must participate in six hours of an educational program or volunteer service project with Patk Rangers.
The program is free and open to the first twenty Boy Scout Troops in Southwest Arkansas counties. To sign up, contact the historic site at 870-777-4455 and for more information on Scouts in the National Park Service log onto www.nps.hov/wicl and programs/upload/sb-scouts-final-v9-WLP/pdf.
such a terrible abomination to have to be forced to let queers into and ruin that great organization. I hope someone starts another private club similar to the boy scouts I also don’t buy levt products because they are one of the companies that support the queers.
speak up people, do you want your kids being led and fondled by queers. before you know it your kids will be thinking this evil abomination is ok.
first its the cold blooded murderous slaughter of our innocent helpless living unborn babies, then queers infiltrating wholesome organizations, then gay marriage all of which is sponserd by the democrats and is strictly immoral and evil according to the holy bible which I believe in Father God will not bless any country that does not put him first. WAKE UP AMERICA AND REPENT TO FATHER GOD. look and see how evil our country is. no way will I ever support another democrat.
Well, bless your heart………