Hope City Board Meets For Second May Meeting

HOPE – The Hope City Board met Tuesday May 16th for their second May meeting.
The board opened with a presentation for a “Stop Violence Against Women”, a STOP grant. Police Chief J. R. Wilson said the grant requires a $7,680 match in kind and the city could receive approximately $20,700. The board voted to allow the police department to apply for the grant.
The board looked at designating some property as surplus. Some of the items included lawn equipment, electronics, office equipment, a 1963 Fork Lift, an ATV, a couple of other vehicles and other items. These items will be auctioned off by Don Honea. The board designated the items as surplus.
Under the City Manager’s report, Catherine Cook noted Memorial Day will be observed May 29th. The board agreed by acclamation to move the meeting scheduled for July 4th to July 11th. Cook noted a renter at the airport is moving out of the property there. She also noted the Fire Department has gotten a notice from Centerpoint that the fire department can apply for a $1,500 grant. Cook asked the board if the city could apply for the grant and the board concurred. The fire department would put it towards some fire equipment.
The board heard from Blake Montgomery on the wall left from Dox Building that is still standing and connected to the National Building. Cook noted that wall was left in place as to not damage the National Building. City Attorney Joe Short noted the Dox Building predated the National Building and the windows on that wall were covered when the National Building was built in 1916.
City Board member Mark Ross noted the Hope Downtown Network will have a Lions Fish Fry and Movie night downtown June 24th. He also noted the Charitable Christian Medical Clinic Fish Fry earlier in the evening was quite successful.