Hope/Hempstead County Chamber Of Commerce Coffee Hosted By Pafford

HOPE – The Hope/Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce Coffee Wednesday was hosted by Pafford Medical Services at their local West 16th Street Headquarters.
No Chamber Coffee that this reporter has attended over the last two years has been more entertaining or elaborate. The “Bird”, also known as Pafford Air One, was flown in from Pine Bluff and several of their ambulances were on display. The food was plentiful, attractive and not your ordinary fare. The Pafford staff was friendly and informative.
Pafford has been in business for 50 years and 20 of those years in Hope. Their ambulances serve not only Hempstead County but also perform mutual aid to surrounding counties.
This week is National EMS Week; they all should be thanked and remembered for their stellar service they provide for us all.