Hempstead County Quorum Court Regular Session 5/25/17
HOPE – The Hempstead County Quorum Court met Thursday May 25th.
After the prayer and Pledge JP Cherry Stewart asked for an explanation on the 2 percent of tax revenue the county receives as it was explained in the previous month’s minutes.. The JP’s agreed by acclamation to put brackets on the explanation of the breakdown on that part of that sales tax in the minutes.
The JP’s approved a transfer ordinance within the Sheriff’s Department. This will go towards some new radios for the Sheriff’s Department.
The JP’s approved a resolution expressing the Quorum Court’s willingness to participate in the Jail Inmate Litter program. The Quorum Court approved a transfer ordinance for $8,629 from Quorum Court miscellaneous to the Sheriff’s Department for extra help. This would cover the deputy that will oversee the jail inmates picking up litter.
The JP’s voted to transfer funds, $36,000 from the bridge inspection portion of the county road budget to the the state aid budgets. This represents the County’s ten percent of the state aid projects.
The JP’S approved an appropriation for $6,997 for a JAG/LLRBG grant. This is Justice Assistance Grant, Law Enforcement Block grant and the Sheriff will use it to get ballistic helmets for his deputies.
The JP’s approved a transfer ordinance for approximately $30,000 to replace van which broke down in Texas. The Sheriff said he had a rough week as a car also blew two pistons and had a water leak in the booking area.
Terrie James of the Cooperative Extension Service spoke to the Quorum Court noting her agency had forwarded a letter to the Judge thanking the county for their support. James also introduced new 4-H program assistant Bethany Barney.
It was noted JP Monica Johnson was stepping down from the Equalization Board. Assessor Kim Smith noted the deadline to assess property taxes is May 31st and noted there is no grace period. If you don’t assess by May 31st the Assessor will have to charge a ten percent penalty.
The JP’s looked at a letter from the Senior Citizens Center noting the sponsoring organization has indicated it will be coming to ask for funding soon. The JP’s indicated they were not much inclined to fund the center again. There will be a meeting explaining the funding June 6th at Hempstead Hall.
Judge Morse noted Governor Hutchinson will be in Hope May 30th for a ribbon-cutting for the District Veterans Service office at the Workforce Center on Smith Road at the former Migrant Center.
The JP’s looked at some proposed trash bins for County Households. These could be used with trash trucks equipped with automatic tippers. The county is going to have to replace a trash truck anyway. It was decided to form a committee to look into the purchase of such bins or trash cans as well as the trash truck. Lynn Montgomery, Ed Darling, and Olen Dorman will be on the committee.
Judge Morse explained how the JP’s should deal with county road requests. The judge noted his office is over the roads and not the Quorum Court. He also noted for the new JP’s that the county doesn’t have a water system and for water questions customers will need to contact their rural water district. The Judge also noted he and the Quorum Court doesn’t attempt to influence municipal annexations. The veterans van was discussed and then the meeting was adjourned.