Boozman Votes To Strengthen Accountability At VA

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) voted to make it easier to discipline bad employees at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
Boozman joined his Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee colleagues to favorably report out the Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act. This legislation, cosponsored by Boozman, would allow the secretary of the VA to dismiss bad employees while protecting those who expose wrongdoing.
“We must have measures in place that allow VA to hold responsible those employees who abuse their power and put our veterans in danger. This bill allows VA to better serve our veterans by creating a culture of accountability. Equally important, it protects employees who are committed to providing the best care and attention to these men and women. I am pleased the committee quickly approved this important legislation and I urge the full senate to promptly pass this bill,” Boozman said.
This bill improves accountability measures Congress passed in The Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014.
good for you john, to give someone a vote to fire a bum. now what are you going to do about defunding these organizations that are promoting and mercilessly slaughtering our helpless, innocent living unborn living babies that are getting their brains sucked out of their innocent little heads everyday? please show some guts and try to do something about this. im always amazed at all the empty promises that are made at election time that never come true. I also realize that senators have to do very unpleasant things like hide behind the vets and the flag,name post offices, hand out a few flags and do a lot of listening, and gonna start fixing the problem. maybe you need a rest.