Fallen remembered at Memorial Day event

PRESCOTT – While most people thought of Monday as the end of a three-day weekend, it was much more.
Monday was Memorial Day, a day set aside to remember the men and women who have fought and died preserving this nation’s freedom. A ceremony was held at the Nevada County Courthouse with members of the local VFW hosting and several veterans participating.
State Rep. Danny Watson was also on hand. He said it’s easy for people to get caught up in the three -day weekend sales and the unofficial start of summer, but this is a time to honor the nation’s veteran’s who have fallen in service to this country. “We should be talking about the heritage and sacrifices made.”
Watson said 2,183 Arkansans served in WWI. Things were different for Arkansas in WWII, where 194,641 served and 2,513 Arkansans died. He continued saying 461 Arkansans died in the Korean Conflict and 588 died in Vietnam, while two were lost in Desert Storm and 33 in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
“We need to honor our veterans. Words fall short,” he said. “We need to honor them with deeds and we need to be the kind of Americans worth fighting for.