6-Year-Old Huck Plyler Donates to Soldiers Overseas

HOPE – Farm Bureau Agency Manager Reed Camp joins 6 year old Huck Plyer and his Mom Briana at the Hempstead County Farm Bureau on Tuesday June 6th with a table filled with items Huck has collected to send to U.S. soldiers stationed overseas.
The display was set up for Huck to do an interview with KTAL-TV. The Plylers live on a farm south of Hope and the Farm Bureau acted as a collection point for people to drop off donations to aid Huck’s efforts to send items to our overseas soldiers.
Huck is still collecting items such as non-perishable snacks, lip balm, lotions, and more. If you’d like to help Huck, just drop your items by the Hempstead County Farm Bureau on East Third in Hope.