Academic Honor Becomes HAPS Tradition

HOPE – The announcement of 2016-2017 academic honors at the Hope Academy of Public Service brought the inauguration of a new academic tradition to the Hope Public Schools.
Sixth grade students Itzel Aguilar and Allen Thomason were named the first “50th Boy and 50th Girl” at HAPS by Principal Dr. Carol Ann Duke.
Dr. Duke said the award originated from a tradition she had brought to Hope that was based in a poem from a 1923 essay by educator Dr. Frank Crane.
“About one boy or girl in fifty will remain after the event of their own choice and off to help clear things up or to wash the dishes,” Duke read. “Do you know this Fiftieth Boy or Fiftieth Girl?
“There are forty-nine boys or girls who are seeking jobs, the job seeks the Fiftieth Boy or Fiftieth Girl,” she continued. “The Fiftieth Boy or Girl makes their parents’ hearts glad.
“The Fiftieth Boy or Girl soothes the wrinkles of their teachers’ foreheads, and takes the worry out of their minds,” she read. “All the grouches and sour-faces brighten when they see the Fiftieth Boy or Girl coming for both of them are brave and cheery.
“The Fiftieth Boy or Girl does not lie, steal or cheat because they don’t like to,” Duke continued. “The Fiftieth Boy or Girl is a good sport. They do not whine when they lose. They do not sulk when another wins the prize. They do not cry when they are hurt.
“They are not afraid to do right nor ashamed to be decent,” she added. “They look you straight in the eye. They tell the truth, whether the consequences to them are unpleasant or not. They stand up straight and are honest.
“Forty-seven out of the forty-nine like them,” Duke read. “They work as hard as they play. Everybody is glad to see them.
“Do you have that kind of boy or girl at your house?” she read. “If not, don’t complain, there are not enough of them to go around.”
Honor roll students for the second semester were also announced at HAPS, including:
Fifth grade – Ana Rosa Alvereaz, Katie Arroyo, Jordon-Michael Brooks, Kaden Brown, Eva Davis, Edith Dominuez, Jose Martinez, Priscila Moreno, Lane Newsome, Payton Rhodes, Jamesha Sorrells, Antoinine Walker, and Kayla Wyatt.
Sixth grade – Itzel Aguilar, Marco Borboa, Kyra Graves, Anthony Hall, Kaianna Harris, Calvin Haynes, Jacquelin Jimenez, Darius Jones, Harlie Lockhart, Kelston Mask, Corbin Mason, Timothy Minney, Kristen Morrison, Joseph Postlethwait, Za’Kiah Randle, Camron Robinson, Jaylie Simington, Allen Thomason, Kimarria Thornburg, and Saniyah Walker.
Seventh grade – Jaxson Adams, Carlie Beck, Alecia Bradley, Mike Brown, Ashlyn Courtney, Jason Easterling, Courtland Jackson, Kaylee Johnson, Juan Leon, Hunter Mathis, Brooklyn Robinson, Daniela Vega, Samantha Ventura, and Richard Ware.
Eighth grade – Za’nautica Baker, Na’khia Green, Jaci Johnson, Hector Vasquez, Ryan Walker, and Oathis Ward.

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