Not too late to enroll in Medicare

If you are one of many who celebrated their 65th birthday this month, congratulations. Now, did you sign up for Medicare? Oh, forgot, that? Well, you still have time. You have the rest of this month plus July, August and September. A word of caution: Do not procrastinate any longer, as late enrollment penalties of 10 percent applies for each year you could have enrolled but didn’t.
Individuals can apply online at, or for help with signing up, contact a Case Manager with the Area Agency on Aging of Southwest Arkansas, Inc., in your county: Calhoun, Dallas, Ouachita Counties: Deloris Biddle, 800-272-2127, Ext.116; Columbia, Lafayette Counties: Deborah Fitzgerald, LPN, 800-272-2127, Ext. 111; Hempstead and Nevada: Lisa Barham, RN, 870-777-3105; Little River andMiller: Stephanie Daniels, 870-773-0051; Howard and Sevier: Kathleen Langston, 870-845-5040; Union County: Vera Antwine, 870-315-3454. You may also call Pam Schulz, Case Manager in the Main office, at 800-272-2127, Ext. 114