Groundbreaking at the Library
HOPE- The Hempstead County Library had its groundbreaking ceremony today, June 21. Their motto for the morning was “Breaking Ground for a Brighter Future.” Along with the library board members and staff the community was excited to attend to hear about the plans for the new building. The new 12,000 square foot building will be located directly behind the current library.
Librarian Courtney McNiel, introduced Pastor Daniel Bramlett of the First Baptist Church of Hope to say a word of prayer. Pastor Bramlett is the great grandson of Dr. Whitlow, who gave the opening prayer before the ground breaking of the current library.
Jerry Pruden the library board chairman spoke about the excitement and hard work that has been forth to make the new facility an up and coming procedure. Judge Haskell Morse stated that on December 15, 2018 Hempstead County will be 200 years old. They hope to have construction complete and have the library open for the community during this celebration process. The current library was built in 1948 and over the period of 70 years, the library has had additions added on.
Jerry Hollensworth, of Trull Hollensworth Architects from Magnolia has been chosen to be the architect for the building. The new library is planned to have an open floor plan and to have a more inviting look to make people want to go inside and see what events they will be having.
W.B. Douglas of Contech Construction, received the bid to help create the establishment, it was said that construction should take about 455 days to complete.
The groundbreaking was put in place by, Courtney McNiel and daughter, Jamie Yates, Jerry Pruden, Vera Jackson, Wanda Whitley, Haskell Morse, Judy Davis, Daniel Bramlett, Catherine Cook, Jerry Hollensworth, and W.B. Douglas.