No quorum for quorum court
PRESCOTT – A special meeting of the Nevada County Quorum Court was called for 10 a.m. Wednesday.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss and decide upon a lease agreement for a new garbage truck for the county. Daniel Ellison, with Arkansas Municipal Equipment, Inc., came down from Poyen to talk to the court about the lease.
However, only three justices of the peace showed up for the meeting – Dennis Pruitt, Brenda Stockton and Bob Cummings. Earlier this year the court voted to restrict the amount the Nevada County Judge could spend without its approval, dropping the amount to $20,000. George Smith, JP District 8, spearheaded the effort for the reduction. Ordinarily, a lease agreement wouldn’t require the court’s attention, but because of the amount involved, the court’s approval was required.
There was also to be discussion concerning the former Nevada County Library. Because of the lack of a quorum and a limited time frame on getting the garbage truck in a timely manner, Nevada County Judge Mark Glass decided to move the July meeting of the court to July 6 at 4:30 p.m.
The question is “Why was the lease issue brought up at a he last regular quorum court meeting?” As the JP for Disrrict 8, it was my understanding that the end of the lease was several days after the court’s July meeting. I met with the salesman and County Judge Mark Glass earlier this week and that was my understanding.
Does the county only have a single bid on the replacement lease truck? Good question.
You were elected to attend the meeting and discuss business there with the others.
Not to sit on your porch at home.