Boozman Applauds Signing of VA Reforms into Law

WASHINGTON D.C. – U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR), member of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, joined President Donald Trump at the White House for the signing of landmark reforms to improve accountability at the Department of Veterans Affairs and protections for employees who expose wrongdoing.
“I appreciate the President’s support of Congressional efforts to ensure our veterans receive the quality care they earned. This law allows the Department of Veterans Affairs to hold employees accountable for their performance and protects the hardworking staff who uphold the highest standards of care when serving those who served our nation. Signing these reforms into law continues our promise to our nation’s veterans,” Boozman said.
The Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act will allow the secretary of the VA to dismiss employees for poor performance while ensuring protections for those who expose wrongdoing.
Boozman cosponsored the Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act. With his support, the legislation passed the Senate VA Committee on May 25 and was approved by the full Senate on June 6.
hi john boozeman, its pretty apparent to me now that all your interested in is “applauding”, fence straddling, yahooing something someone else does, actually doing very little. the bible says to tell you, not make you. its called rebuking. since I last tried talking to you there have been thousands of living helpless innocent unborn babies slaughtered. I actually thought that maybe you would not turn your back on Father God . oh well what do I know. just keep ignoring the helpless and the innocent if you want to. after all that applauding must be more important than the lives of these unborn babies.