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Arkansas Game & Fish Commission Director Visits Hope

By Staff, 06/29/17 9:03 AM

HOPE – Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Dorector Jeff Crow was in Hope for a meeting at Hempstead Hall on Tuesday June 27th.

The Director was in town to meet with employees on their classification and compensation plan which is being handled internally by the agency. Crow said it was an excellent opportunity to get out of Little Rock and meet with employees from the southwest and south-central parts of the state. The Director said he was recently in Hempstead County counting alligators and said that he always enjoys getting out into the state. Crow says the agency’s greatest priority is that it acts as a good steward.

Crow served with the Game & Fish as an enforcement officer for ten years before later serving with the Arkansas State Police. He came back to Game & Fish several years ago as an Assistant Director in a law enforcement capacity and has served as Director for about a year. image

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