Proposed Medicaid cuts would affect RoC clients

HOPE – As the U.S. Senate contemplates plans for reductions in the Medicaid program, ROC individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities could face a drastic reduction in services.
The Senate is considering cuts and caps to the current program where funding for ROC home and community-based services would be affected. The Senate is considering approximately $830 billion in cuts to the Medicaid portion of the American Health Care Act, now called the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017, which was recently proposed by Congress.
Medicaid is the primary source of funding for services that assist those with disabilities, providing protection from being forced into institutions. The primary focus at ROC is to provide the individuals served with the greatest amount of independence possible, while enabling them to live self-supporting and rewarding lives.
“Our concern and the concerns across the country are that “traditional” Medicaid programs for the aging, blind and disabled will be cut and viable services to these neediest populations will be effected, which are not part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA),” said Judy Watson, ROC Chief Executive Officer.
“The proposed legislation would put a cap on the money the state receives from the federal government in one of two ways; paying a block grant or a per capita rate to the state. Either will be devastating to rural states like Arkansas,” Watson noted.
“The services that ROC and other programs provide to individuals with disabilities are optional state services under Medicaid, which means these would be some of the first services to receive cuts if the state receives less money,” continued Watson.
“We are asking everyone interested in retaining the current services to individuals with disabilities in Southwest Arkansas and throughout the state to contact Senator Tom Cotton’s offices and voice your opposition to these deep Medicaid cuts.”
Cotton’s address is: 124 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510. The phone number is 202-224-2353. Senator John Boozman can be reached at 141 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20410, or by calling 202-224-4843 or 501-372-7153.
Rainbow of Challenges, Inc. administers a wide array of services for persons who have developmental disabilities in Southwest Arkansas. Emphasis is placed on services that help each person achieve the highest degree of personal independence. Rainbow of Challenges, Inc. is committed to implementing a safer, healthier, happier, more independent lifestyle for individuals having special needs.
For more information, contact Rainbow of Challenges at 870-777-4501.
your wasting your time talking to Bozeman . I tried to get him to get things going about defunding the places that teach and encourage the premeditated, brutal, slaughter of our living unborn, helpless, innocent babies. this alone would save millions of dollars and save millions of babies lives. no comment or movement whatsoever. this man I voted for is a true disappointment. he will not take any unpopular road. we will all give account of ourselves someday. I truly hope no one waits until 3 seconds after their dead to find out theres a real God, a real heaven, and a real hell. JESUS CHRIST, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.
But wait, trumpcare is suppose to be better….trump is suppose to make things better.
The answer will be to find replacements for each and every one of Arkansas representatives in Congress. They have all proven to care more about the GOP party than what’s best for the people who elected them, their state or the nation. Cotton is doing nothing more than running for president. He’s shown time and again that’s all that’s important to him. Boozman is a do-nothing Senator there to collect a paycheck and Westerman has proven to be nothing more than a GOP bootlicker.
We did find replacements. YES WE DID.
Why do you suggest contacting ONLY Sen. Cotton? I thought we had 2 Senators. Why does ROC reject clients with disabilities if their parents retirement income is too high? Why doesn’t ROC manage the foul language used by its clients like EVERY other business has to? Why do you call it ‘deep cuts’, when there are NO cuts, just a reduction in spending increases. Why do you spread fake news?
ObamaCare Expansion Enrollment is Shattering Projections
Medicaid expansion already makes welfare for able-bodied adults a higher priority than services for the nearly 600,000 seniors, children with developmental disabilities, individuals with brain injuries, and other vulnerable individuals currently languishing on waiting lists for needed Medicaid services. Mounting overruns will soon exacerbate pressure on policymakers to shift even more money away from the truly needy and towards ObamaCare’s able-bodied adults.