NCQC raises judge’s spending cap


PRESCOTT – Nevada County’s Quorum Court raised the Nevada County Judge’s spending limit from $20,000 to $50,000 at its July meeting Thursday evening.

A few months ago the court agreed to lower the spending cap to $20,000, requiring a called meeting of the court for expenditures exceeding this amount. The result was two called meetings in less than a month, with less than a quorum attending the second one.

Justice of the Peace Bob Cummings suggested raising the limit because the lower amount was hindering the judge’s ability to do his job, and because of the trouble of getting enough JPs to show up at special meetings.

Nevada County Agent Darren Neal told the court Tori Copeland has accepted a position in St. Francis County. Her position is being advertised at this time.

Preston “Pep” Glenn, jail administrator, informed the panel the Nevada County Jail currently houses 65 inmates. A breakdown shows five are women from Clark County, four are women from Hot Spring County, 34 are from the Arkansas Department of Corrections, one is from the City of Prescott and 15 are county inmates. He added the jail now has a fifth 309 inmates from the state.

He told the panel both felony pods are full at this time, with one pod holding 23 inmates and the other housing 24. He added the jail is trying to get more female inmates.

A lease agreement for a new garbage truck was approved by the court. The new truck will be a Peterbilt, which will be leased for three years. At the end of this time the county will have the option to extend the lease, buy the truck outright or lease a new truck. It was pointed out the truck’s repairs will be covered under warranty, and won’t cost the county anything during the lease period.

A discussion of the former Nevada County Library building was tabled. The roof of the structure is caving in, and there is mold on the inside. The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality will be called to see if materials from the library can be buried in the county landfill.

The court had a brief executive session on a personnel matter, and took no action.

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