HCSO log

Domestic Dispute
On July 11, at approximately 12:09 p.m., Deputy Loe was dispatched to 3000 West Avenue B Apt. 64 in reference to a verbal altercation.
Prior to arrival, Deputy Loe was advised by dispatch that the male subject involved had already left the residence.
Upon arrival, Deputy Loe made contact with a 16-year-old female. who stated she and her father live in apartment 74, the 16-year-old wanted to leave and her father wouldn’t let her. The 16-year-old went to another apartment and her father followed and they began to have an argument. The teen stated it never got physical, and that her father had left prior to our arrival to head back to work driving a tractor-trailer.
Animal Complaint
On July 11, at approximately 10:10 a.m., Deputy Loe was dispatched to 1529 Highway 27 North in Nashville in reference to a horse being out.
Upon arrival, Deputy Loe observed a horse to be grazing in the backyard of the previously stated address. There didn’t appear to be any signs of an owner around Deputy Loe made contact with Deputy Mark Dale who is more familiar with the local population. Deputy Dale advised that he would make some calls and try and find out who the horse belonged to. Shortly thereafter, Deputy Loe was approached by Harold Glenn who stated that he owned the horse and that he lived at 108 Cherry Lane. Harold then took custody of the horse and escorted it back to his property.
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
On July 10, at approximately 11:15 p.m., Deputy Brown was patrolling the area of 211 Andres Street, in Hope, when he observed a black male known to me as, Calvin Burton, who is on parole walk from the driveway of a residence onto Andres Street, then after seeing me, turn around back toward a residence. Deputy Brown knew Burton was arrested recently for possession of a controlled substance (methamphetamine) by the Hope Police Department. He also knew this area was known to officers as being a highly trafficked narcotic area, due to the fact Deputy Brown has arrested three subjects for possessing methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia in the past two weeks, all of which were arrested in the exact location Burton was at.
Deputy Brown made contact with Burton and asked where he was coming from. Burton stated he was just coming from his kinfolk’s house. He asked Burton if he had anything illegal on his person and he stated no. I advised Burton he had a warrantless wavier on file and he stated he knew he did.
Burton again stated he did not have anything illegal on his person. I observed a bulge in his left front shorts pocket. I asked Burton what was in his pockets and reached out to touch the pocket. He turned around and stated he did not have anything on him. He appeared to be very nervous. Deputy Brown searched his person and located a black Oakley’s sunglasses case in his left from pocket containing a glass pipe commonly used for consuming methamphetamine and a clear bag containing what appeared to be methamphetamine residue. Burton stated he used a little bit and that was it and was placed under arrest.
He was transported to the HCDF where he was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia. He was turned over to the on-duty jail staff for booking. Burton will be held for 1st court appearance.
Welfare Check
At approximately 4:31 p.m. on July 10, Sgt. Jim Bush was dispatched to 171 Hempstead 141 in reference to a welfare check on of a 59-year-old male after he went to Doctor Goins’ office in Hope, and made threats to jump off of the Red River Bridge. Officer Ghormley of the Hope Police Department advised me he left from there and may be going to his house which was at the above address.
Upon arrival at the address Sgt. Bush made contact with the 59-year-old’s sister-in-law. who invited me into the house where he located the 59-year-old laying on the couch. Sgt. Bush asked the 59-year-old if he could to speak with him and he at first advised that he did not want to talk about it.
Sgt. Bush followed the 59-year-old to his bedroom and he requested that Sgt. Bush close the door. The 59-year-old then advised Sgt. Bush he has been struggling with depression. He stated he has been taking care of his mother, Jessie, without any help from his siblings. He stated he is constantly in an argument with his brother and they will not help him take care of her. He stated he just wanted to be left alone. Sgt. Bush asked him if what he told the nurses at doctor’s office and he advised me that he threatened to drive his truck off the Red River Bridge but stated he no longer wants to do harm to himself.
Deputy Bush contacted dispatch and had them send Pafford EMS to his location. The 59-year-old was then transported to Wadley Regional Medical Center in Hope for treatment.
Alarm Call
On Monday, July 10, at approximately 1:55 P.M. Deputy Keith Sullivan responded to an alarm call at 3883 Highway 67 west. Sullivan arrived at approximately 2 P.M. Deputy Sullivan checked all windows and doors of the residence and all were secure. he knocked on the door and rang the doorbell and got no response. Central dispatch advised the homeowner was contacted by ADT alarm company. There is nothing further to report at this time.
Reported Shots Fired
On July 10, at approximately 1 p.m., Cpl. McBride was dispatched to 599 Highway 299 in reference someone shooting out of a vehicle going down Highway 299 towards Emmet. Mc Bride traveled on Highway 67 East in search of the suspect vehicle.
Deputy McBride was unable to locate the suspect vehicle while in route to 599 Highway 299. Upon arrival to 599, he made contact with Jeanette Wright. Wright stated her husband, James Wright had tried to catch up to the suspect vehicle.
While speaking with Jeanette, James pulled into the driveway. Deputy McBride made contact with James at this time. James stated he was working on his fence, when he heard two-gun shots. James stated he looked up and saw an early 2000 model Dodge extended cab pickup, with two white males. James stated that after the Dodge passed him, he heard two more shots. James stated he attempted to locate the vehicle in Emmet, but did not see the vehicle.
Criminal Mischief
On July 10, at approximately 11:45 a.m., Cpl. McBride was contacted by Lee White at the Hempstead County Sheriff’s Office in reference to criminal mischief. White stated someone had broken into his business located on highway 278 in Ozan. through a window.
He stated nothing appeared to be missing at this time. He stated that the mini blinds were messed up and bent.
Officer Assist
At approximately 12:20 a.m. on July 10, Deputy Sorensen was requested by Hope Police Officer J. Dean to transport a subject for them.
He advised me Jamar Thirdgill had been in an altercation and had been unruly. Officer Dean stated he was transporting the other subject in the altercation and needed someone with a cage in their patrol vehicle to transport Jamar.
Deputy Sorensen transported Thirdgill to the Hempstead County Detention Center without incident and he was booked in on charges of Domestic Battery 3rd.
Agency Assist
On July 9, at approximately 7:20 p.m., Deputy Malone was dispatched to 175 Hempstead 53 in reference to a domestic assault. Dispatch advised the reporting party, Heather Lagrone stated his daughter came to her residence and told her that her husband attacked her.
Upon my arrival, Deputy Malone made contact with Leah Newton. She stated yesterday at approximately 5 p.m. she and her husband, Jase Newton had been laying around the house all day. Leah stated Jase’s mood started to change and he began pushing her around. Leah stated she told Jase to stop and he pushed her one last time, and when he did he left a bruise on her right bicep. Leah stated Jase has abused her off and on for the past two years.
Leah stated she and Jase live in Lewisville, and the incident happened in Lewisville. Leah stated she does not know her address. I gave Leah a Laura’s Card and preformed a domestic violence lethality screening on Leah. I took pictures of Leah’s right bicep.
Deputy Sorensen contacted the Lafayette County Sheriff’s Office and advised them of the report.
Medical Emergency
At approximately 10:32 p.m. on July 9, Deputy Sorensen was dispatched to 5137 Highway 278 West in reference to a medical emergency.
Upon arrival made contact with Michael Mitchell. Mitchell stated his girlfriend, Regina Wesson, was acting odd and he believed her blood sugar was high.
Deputy Malone made contact with Wesson and she stated she was fine and had been to the hospital earlier today for her blood pressure being high. Pafford EMS arrived on scene and Wesson permitted them to check her vitals. I was advised by Pafford EMS that her blood pressure was high enough to cause a stroke. She stated she would go to the hospital with Pafford at this time.
Wesson was transported to Wadley ER in Hope.
At approximately 7:28 p.m. on July 9, Deputy Sorensen was dispatched to 3395 Highway 278 East in reference to a theft.
Upon arrival, he made contact with Malinda Osborne. Osborne stated her son, Jimmy Shackelford, had come over to the house this morning. She stated when she got home from church they got into an argument because he told her he wanted her to take him to his house on Eastridge Drive. She stated he then took a blue “Bubba” brand thermos and left the house. Deputy Sorensen searched the area but was unable to locate him at this time.
Unauthorized Use of Vehicle
On July 9, at approximately 2:49 p.m., Deputy Loe was dispatched to 7872 Highway 67 East in reference to unauthorized use of a vehicle.
Upon arrival, he made contact with Bobby Dowdy who stated he let Dillion Jester borrow his 2016 Honda Rancher 420CC on July 4, and had not seen or heard from him since. Dowdy stated his ATV is a Dallas Cowboy special edition with a star on the gas tank. He also stated it has a bazooka brand speaker box on the front.
Death Investigation
On July 9, at approximately 12:35 p.m., Deputy Loe was dispatched to 161 Hempstead 1026 in reference to a death investigation.
Upon my arrival, Deputy Loe made contact with Charles Justin Cox who stated that he had found his father Charles Ray Cox lying motionless, in the living room of his house.
Justin stated he went to the residence at around 12:30 p.m. today, when he discovered Charles. Justin stated Charles has a history medical problem ranging from high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, and has had a bypass surgery in the past.
Deputy Coroner McKinnon arrived on scene and pronounced Charles deceased at 1:20 p.m. Deputy Loe then waited on scene for Bobby Miller of Nashville Funeral Home to arrive and transport the body to his funeral home.
There was no evidence of Foul Play.
Domestic Dispute
At approximately 2:30 hours on July 9, Deputy Sorensen was dispatched to 125 Hempstead 19 in reference to a battery.
Upon arrival, he made contact with Courtney Johnson. Johnson stated she had arrived home and her brother, Christian Johnson, and his girlfriend, Melice Spring, was arguing. She stated she told Spring she needed to leave. She stated Spring started yelling at her and calling her a “bitch”. She stated Spring started to come towards her in an aggressive manner but Christian held her back and told Courtney to leave. Courtney stated she then got in her car in an attempt to leave but Spring came out of the house and picked up a rock. She stated Spring came up to her car, opened the door, and grabbed at her. She stated she managed to get loose and drive away at this time and Spring never used the rock against her. Deputy Sorensen observed a scratch on Courtney’s neck and she stated it was from when Spring attempted to grab her. Courtney stated she didn’t want to press charges against Spring. She stated Spring and Christian had left prior to my arrival.
Suspicious Person.
At approximately 2:38 a.m. on July 9, Deputy Sorensen was dispatched to 538 Hempstead 352 in reference to a suspicious person.
Upon arrival he made contact with Ana Tyson. She stated earlier in the night she heard a man stand outside her front door. She stated it sounded like he was speaking with someone but all she could here was it was a man’s voice. She stated she heard the door knob rattle as if he was attempting to open the door. She stated she yelled at the door and told him she was calling the police and it stopped. She stated she just wanted deputies to make sure no one was there anymore.
Deputy Sorensen walked all around the house and was unable to find anyone or any sign of anyone around the house.
Gas Leak
On July 9, at approximately 3:08 p.m., Deputy Malone was dispatched to 2505 East Plainview Street in reference to a gas leak.
Upon arrival Pafford Emergency Medical Services were on scene. Deputy Malone then made contact with Bryan Fields the home owner. Fields stated he was drilling holes in the ground for fence post with the arguer on his tractor. He stated that while drilling the post hole he hit a gas line.
CenterPoint energy arrived on scene and stated they did not need assistance.