Hope City Board Meets
HOPE – The Hope City Board met Tuesday July 11th for their first meeting of the month. One item was corrected in the June minutes.
UAHT Chancellor Chris Thomason spoke to the board on an endowed scholarship in honor of former Mayor Dennis Ramsey. He thanked the board for the city’s contribution and Ramsey also spoke. He noted he is honored by the scholarship. The board then posed with Ramsey.
The board passed an ordinance to establish a truck route for the city. The emergency clause was adapted and the ordinance will go in effect immediately.
The board looked at a request from Terry Mulholland who owns four apartments at 2000 East 28th. This is across from the old Citizens Bank Farmhouse. The property is outside the city limits. City sewer service is available. The board voted to allow Mulholland to tie on to city sewer.
The board voted to waive bids in an ordinance dealing with repair work pertaining to the cost of a derailment on the city rail spur July 3rd. The estimate on the repair is $18,000 to $20,000. There was also a derailment Tuesday morning which will be separate from this issue. The ordinance was approved.
The board heard about three proposals for rail spur engineering. The committee which evaluated the proposal recommend William E. Graham and the board approved that bid.
Under the city manager’s report Catherine Cook noted city wide clean up will be July 22nd. She noted the city will get a Centerpoint grant for $1,500 for the fire department. She noted the Girl Scout Log House has been approved for a grant. The board also discussed a public hearing on a possible lien on the Dox property on August 15th. The meeting then adjourned.