Bridge project underway

PRESCOTT – Nevada County Judge Mark Glass said, Thursday, work on the bridge on County Road 290 has begun.
Crews are in the process of tearing the bridge down. Signs, he said, have been posted on both sides of the bridge warning traffic the bridge is out and can’t be used at this time. The bridge spans Caney Creek in the Lackland Springs community.
Glass said depending on the weather and unforeseen circumstances, repairs could be done in two weeks to a month. “This is a major project. The bridge is 100-feet long.”
He also discussed the Hines Blvd. project, saying the project was delayed because the state wasn’t happy with the width of the road. The state, he said, will be hiring a dirt contractor to widen the road on the East side. However, the contract for the dirt work hasn’t been let yet, but should be this summer. Once the contract is let and a contractor hired, dirt work can begin.
Glass said the overlay part of the project has been pushed back until the spring of 2018, though it was originally scheduled to be done this summer. “The project is a go and will happen. The state wants it done right.”
He added, the road has been covered and is in good shape at this time. Next spring the state will do a chip and seal job on the road, providing two coats of chip and seal. Glass pointed out this is a state aid project and the county’s portion is 10 percent of the cost with the state picking up the rest.
The county’s portion, in part, consisted of grading and adding gravel to the dirt part of the road from the Hines building to Washington Rd. This, Glass said, has already been done.