Hope Farmers Market


HOPE- The Hope Farmers Market held its weekly market today, July 18. The South Arkansas Migrant Education hosted the hospitality table, they were serving hot coffee. Available at the hospitality table was a gift basket with home made and handmade goodies from locals farms. Terrie James with the University of Arkanas County and Extension Agent, hosted the “Taste This Tuesday” She demonstrated how to cook chicken piccadillo, a stuffed patty squash. A tasting of the dish was offered to the market goers. The recipe was also available for market goers to take home and try on their own. This mornings market consisted of the Silvey Family, Salinas Farm, Arnold Farms, Spring Hill Bees, and the Log Cabin Soapery. This mornings market offered, squash, watermelon, tomatoes, bell peppers, and more local produce. Other than produce the market offered an assortment of breads, honeys, jams, and soaps.



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