Car show, cook off successful

PRESCOTT – Car and BBQ enthusiasts were in heaven Saturday as Elm Street was filled with new and classic cars, and they had the chance to dine on BBQ chicken and ribs.
The event was the Freedom Car Show and BBQ Cookoff, a joint effort by the Prescott Lions, Kiwanis and Rotary clubs. Around two dozen cars were shined to a blinding sheen and put on display, while chicken quarters and ribs were grilled for bragging rights and sale. The cost of the dinners were $10 per plate. Jeremy Dickerson, owner of Izzy’s Diner, cooked ribs, while Preston “Pep” Glenn grilled a case of chicken quarters. Glenn said he began cooking at 2 a.m. Saturday, cooking the chicken slow and making sure it was done.
Drinks were also available to help beat the heat, as temperatures were in the low 90s at 9 a.m. Everyone there had a good time checking out the different cars and dining on top quality BBQ.