Emmet Library celebrates Harry Potter’s birthday

EMMET – It began with a movie “The Sorcerer’s Stone”, the first Harry Potter movie, and moved on to youngsters seeing which house they belonged in at Hogwarts.
Monday, July 31, was Harry Potter’s birthday. Potter is a fictional wizard, and arguably the most famous wizard ever, at least to fans. Volunteers with the Emmet Library decided to have an end-of-summer fling as area children prepare for next school year. The Hogwart’s Express was on hand to carry their luggage to the school for wizards and witches, and those attending got to try their hand at making potions. They were reminded to be careful when making polyjuice potion (which transforms people into others), because it doesn’t work with anything but human bits.
They were presented with magic wands and tried their hands at casting spells. However, the most popular part was the cake and punch, as the children gathered round to enjoy themselves before heading back home.