HCSO log

Hempstead County Sheriff's Department


Possession of Methamphetamine/ Possession of Drug Paraphernalia

On July 30, at approximately 10:20 p.m., Deputy Brown conducted a traffic stop in the 2500 block of N. Hazel Street,

Deputy Brown made contact with the driver, Zachary Syata, 24, of Hope. Deputy Brown noticed that Syata appeared to be very nervous Deputy Brown asked him if he had anything illegal on his person and he stated no. Deputy Brown asked Syata if he could search him to make sure. Syata raised up his hands and said sure.

Deputy Brown searched the left pocket of Syata’s shorts and located a clear bag containing a crystal-like substance believed to be methamphetamine Deputy Brown placed Syata under arrest for possession of a controlled substance (methamphetamine). Deputy Brown asked him if anything else was illegal inside the vehicle and he stated there shouldn’t be.

Deputy Brown searched the vehicle and located a Marlboro red 100 pack of cigarettes and inside the pack was two separate clear baggies containing a large amount of a crystal-like substance believed to be methamphetamine. Sgt. Oller with the Hope Police Department also located a hypodermic needle commonly used for injecting methamphetamine into the body in the glove box of the vehicle.

Syata was transported to the HCDF where he was charged with possession with purpose to deliver methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia. The unofficial total weight of the methamphetamine was 8.2 grams. The substance will be sent to the crime lab to obtain the official weight and content.

Residential Burglary

At approximately 9:58 p.m. on July 30, Sgt. Jimmy Bush was dispatched to 106 Hempstead 1041 in reference to a residential burglary.

Upon arrival he made contact with Judith Aaron, who stated she left her residence at approximately 3:15 p.m. and returned at approximately 9 p.m. to find someone broke in through the back window on the north west end of the house. They also noticed someone poked through the screen on one of the windows at the south west end of the house and poked a piece of aluminum foil out they had covering a hole. She stated she first noticed all the lights in the house were on. She stated she found the following items were missing.

An unknown number of bottles of wine valued approximately at $200 mostly Whitaker brand, two black hair brushes with silver bristles valued approximately at $8 each. An unknown number of Daily’s ready to drink frozen alcohol mixed drink pouches valued approximately at $5 each, A silver dollar certificate valued approximately at $4.

The incident remains under investigation.

Possession of Controlled Substance

On July 30, at approximately 8:33 p.m., Deputy Brown was patrolling the area of 2504 N. Hazel Street, when he observed a lot of vehicle traffic coming from the Relax Inn room 103. Deputy Brown observed a vehicle sitting outside and after doing a short investigation it was determined room 103 was being rented to Johnathon LaGuardia. Deputy Brown knew LaGuardia had a history of using narcotics and that he was on active supervision with the probation/parole office. Deputy Brown contacted his probation officer, Mallory Evans, and she advised he had an active search waiver on file and to make sure he was not violating and laws.

Deputy Brown made contact with LaGuardia at room 103. When he opened the door Deputy Brown could smell a very strong odor of marijuana coming from inside the room. Deputy Brown also noticed a marijuana pipe sitting on a dresser in the room.

Deputy Brown asked if there was anything illegal inside the room and he stated there was a little weed. Deputy Brown asked if he could search the room and he stated yes. During the search Deputy Brown located a clear bag containing a green leafy substance (marijuana) and a pipe commonly used for consuming marijuana sitting on top of a dresser in the room.

Deputy Brown charged LaGuardia with possession of controlled Substance and gave him a court date of October 2.

I advised LaGuardia since he was cooperative with me I would issue him a citation and not take him to jail. He thanked me for not taking him to jail and only issuing a citation. He was issued a citation for possession of a controlled substance (marijuana) and possession of drug paraphernalia, and released on scene. He was given a court date of Oct. 2 at 9 a.m.

Death Investigation

On July 30, at approximately 9 p.m., Deputy Brown received a call from the police dispatcher regarding an elderly female being discovered in her bed, unresponsive and cold to the touch, located at 117 River Road, in Fulton.

Upon arrival, Deputy Brown observed an elderly female later identified as Maggie Bolden laying in her bed, did not have a pulse and cold to the touch. Pafford EMS arrived on scene and advised me to contact the coroner. The coroner arrived on scene and pronounced Maggie deceased at 2140 hours. The body was turned over to the coroner.

DWI/Accident Hit and Run

At approximately 4:49 p.m. on July 30, Sgt. Jimmy Bush was dispatched to the intersection of Hempstead 27 North and Hempstead 349 in reference to a hit and run accident.

Upon arrival he made contact with Crystal Masey. Masey advised me she was hit by Cindy Mashburn. Masey stated she was heading south and stopped to take a left onto Hempstead 349 and Mashburn was west bound on Hempstead 349 and attempting to turn north bound on Hempstead 27. Masey stated Mashburn did not stop at the stop sign and hit her as she attempted to make the right turn without stopping.

Sgt. Bush observed damage to Masey’s truck on the front bumper on the driver’s side. She stated Mashburn stopped but later left the scene. She described Mashburn’s truck as a silver Toyota and provided me with the license plate number 382PRG. While working the accident Masey brought Sgt. Bush a phone and stated it was Mashburn on the other end of the line.

Mashburn advised Sgt. Bush she is on Hempstead 27 North near the Bingen Fire Department and she was trying to return to the scene of the accident but her vehicle broke down.

Sgt. Bush located her in the 400 Block of Hempstead 27 North at approximately 5:43 p.m. I asked her what happened and she stated she stopped at the stop sign and pulled out without seeing Masey and hit her. She stated she then left the scene because she needed to go to the creek to put water in her radiator because it was busted in the accident. She stated when she was coming back the truck died on her.

While speaking with Mashburn he detected the odor of alcoholic beverages coming from her. he then returned to my patrol vehicle and got my department issued portable breath test. Sgt. Bush asked her how much she has had to drink today and she stated she has had one drink approximately three hours prior.  Sgt. Bush asked her to perform the test which she agreed to. The test showed the alcohol content of .164.

Sgt. Bush then asked her to perform the standard field sobriety tests. Which she failed to perform. Sgt. Bush placed her under arrest for DWI and detained her in my patrol vehicle at 6:12 p.m.

Sgt. Bush transported her to the Hempstead County Detention Center where he read her the DWI rights form and she signed stating she understood and agreed to take the test. Hope Police Officer Freddie Parks then operated the BAC machine and had her perform the test. At 1953 hours the BAC showed the final result of .149.

Sgt. Bush charged her with DWI, Leaving the scene of an accident, and disobeying a stop sign with a court date of Aug. 14.

Possession of a Controlled Substance, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Parole Violation.

On July 30, at approximately 4:30 p.m., Deputy Brown received information Timothy Crossland had a parole violation warrant with the Arkansas Department of Correction and he was staying with Kenneth Rogers, located at 3582 Highway 174 S, in Hope. Deputy Brown had the police dispatcher check and confirm the warrant on Crossland. Once the warrant was confirmed, Deputy Brown went to the above address to look for him. Deputy Brown knew Crossland from working with probation and parole in the past, and knew Crossland was paroled out to this same address.

Upon arrival, Deputy Brown knocked on the front door to the residence. After knocking a couple of times Crossland opened the door, saw me and got very nervous. Deputy Brown asked him if he knew why he was there and he stated yes, I have a warrant for my arrest. Crossland stated he was taking care of Rogers and asked if he could go let him know what was going on and check on him before leaving and Deputy Brown agreed.

Deputy Brown followed Crossland back to where Rogers was laying in his bed and began talking to him. While speaking with Rogers Deputy Brown noticed he was having trouble speaking and did not know where he was. Rogers would get very agitated and try to fight if someone got close to him. Crossland stated something was wrong, that Rogers has never acted like this before. Deputy Brown had the police dispatcher contact EMS immediately to check on Rogers.

EMS arrived at the residence and transported Rogers to Wadley Hospital at Hope.

After Rogers was taken care of, Deputy Brown began speaking with Crossland again about his warrant.

Deputy Brown knew Crossland has a history of methamphetamine use and has been arrested for drug related charges. Crossland stated he has been using methamphetamine a lot lately. Deputy asked if he was smoking or shooting up. He stated he has been doing both, stating he has been on the needle since he was 13-years-old.

Deputy Brown asked Crossland if there was any narcotics or paraphernalia inside the residence. He hung his head, paused for a second and nodded yes. Deputy Brown asked him what was in his bedroom and he stated just some paraphernalia. I advised him to take me to where it was. He walked over to a table that was beside his bed, picked up a small black bag, opened it up and advised that was all he had. When he opened the black bag, Deputy Brown observed a hypodermic needle containing about 2-3 units of clear liquid believed to be methamphetamine, a spoon used for methamphetamine, a clear bag containing what appeared to be methamphetamine residue and a white bottle cap containing a piece of white cotton that is commonly used to filter the methamphetamine as it is being drawn into a hypodermic needle.

Crossland was placed under arrest and transported to the HCDF where he was charged with possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia and parole violation. He will be held for a first court appearance and the Arkansas Department of Corrections.

Breaking and Entering/ Church

On July 30, at approximately 10:30 a.m., Deputy Jeremy Mc Bride was dispatched to 161 Hempstead 151 in reference to breaking and entering. Upon arrival, he spoke with Leola Graves. Leola stated she received a phone call from Robert White Jr. saying the alarm was going off at Common Hill church. She stated nothing was taken from the church.

Graves stated the phone lines had not been working properly for the past few days. She checked the phone and found the phone not working still. I checked with dispatch and there was not an alarm call to Common Hill church in the last week. There was damage to the rear door, located next to Hempstead 151.

Deputy Mc Bride spoke with Ronald Kidd at 195 Mallard Lane. Kidd stated he was sitting across the road from the church and was sitting there for approximately 20 minutes and the alarm at the church started going off. Kidd stated he contacted Robert White Jr., telephone number. Kidd stated he did not see anyone leave the church, nor did he see a vehicle around the church.

Church Burglary

On July 30, at approximately 10:30 a.m., Deputy Mc Bride was dispatched to 2333 Highway 73 West in reference to commercial burglary. Upon arrival, he spoke with Tyrone Cole, who stated someone broke into the church through the back door.  Deputy Mc Bride saw the back door of the church was kicked in. Cole stated the only thing missing was 10 dollars from the desk.

Cole stated the door to the nursery was also kicked in. The nursery was located on the East side of the church, next to the sanctuary. Cole stated there was no other damage at this time.

Church Burglary

On July 30, at approximately 10:30 a.m., Deputy Mc Bride was dispatched to Mt. Nebo church on Hempstead 57 in reference to a break in. While in route, Dispatch advised that two more churches had reported breaking and entering.

Upon arrival to Mt. Nebo, he made contact with Bruce Porter, who stated someone broke into the church and into the fellowship hall.  He stated nothing appeared to be missing from the church and appeared the subjects just went through stuff.

ATV Accident

At approximately 6:04 p.m. on July 29, Sgt. Bush was dispatched to 4369 Hempstead 2 in reference to a medical emergency involving three juveniles that wrecked a four-wheeler.

Upon arrival Sgt. Bush observed three white females sitting on the side of Hempstead two in front of the above address. I first spoke with a 13-year-old female and her grandmother

The 13-year-old stated she was on the front of the ATV when they flipped it as they went by the above address. The grandmother stated that a 15-year-old female who came to the residence to visit their friend and another 15-year-old female. The grandmother stated one of the 15-year olds was sitting on the back of the ATV at the time of the accident.

Sgt. Bush spoke with one of the 15-year old’s and her mother the 15-year-old had an injury to her head and stated she couldn’t really remember what happened. The mother stated she witnessed the wreck. The 15-year old’s mother stated she her daughter was driving the ATV and they were heading east bound on Hempstead 2. She stated as they went by the house they yelled out and she was trying to get them to come back because they all weren’t supposed to be on the ATV at once. She stated as they went by they looked back towards her and then her daughter without paying attention steered to the right. She stated it looked like they hit something and then rolled the ATV. She stated the 13-year-old jumped off the front of it, and then other two fell off.

One 15-year-old had injuries to both knees and complained they popped when she moved them. She also had injuries to her left leg and also scrapes from sliding on the asphalt. Another 15-year-old had injuries to her head and scrapes on her back and side from sliding on the asphalt. She also had injuries to her left leg and also scrapes from sliding on the asphalt. All three girls were transported by Pafford Ambulance to Wadley Regional Medical Center for treatment.

The ATV was a 2005 Honda 350.


On July 29, at approximately 12:35 p.m., Deputy McBride was dispatched to 2 Clingan Country in Nashville, in reference to a residential burglary. Upon arrival, he spoke with Christopher Wincher. Wincher stated he was on vacation in Texas for approximately 20 days.

He stated when he got to his residence, he noticed his Samsung 70-inch flat screen television, a queen size Flay bed with a padded headboard, and a gun cabinet was missing from the residence. Christopher stated a shoulder mounted nine-point deer, that had Nyle “deer slayer” Wincher 2001 on the mount, and miscellaneous art supplies were taken as well.




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