Bancroft featured speaker for nursing conference

HOPE – The University of Arkansas at Hope will host a nursing continuing education conference, featuring Barb Bancroft, on Tuesday, October 10 from 7:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. at Hempstead Hall.
Bancroft RN, MSN, PNP, is a widely acclaimed national speaker, noted for her humorous, entertaining and information packed seminars. She is the author of four books, her latest, Kiss My Asparagus, An Essential Guide to Nutrition’s Role in Health and Disease. Many people can conduct health seminars, or write books on health, but very few can make them both thoroughly informative and entertaining. Barb Bancroft makes complex health topics easily understandable, appealing and hilarious.
Bancroft has provided more than 2800 educational and motivational seminars on clinical topics and health maintenance topics to healthcare professionals and corporations throughout the U.S. and Canada. She has been the keynote/plenary speaker for corporate groups such as Smith Barney/Citicorp and the Million Dollar Round Table. She has provided keynote/plenary speeches for healthcare associations including the Association for Practitioners for Infection Control, The National Association of Biology Teachers, The Emergency Nurses’ Association, the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, the Pacific Coast Dental Association, and the Washington State Dental Association.
Bancroft has held graduate faculty positions at the University of Virginia and the University of Arkansas. She has provided courses on Advanced Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, and Physical Assessment to both graduate and undergraduate students. She is currently the Executive Director and President of CPP Associates, Inc., a continuing education firm for corporations and healthcare professionals based in Chicago, Illinois.
“I truly enjoyed your workshop…I hope that in my 42 years, I have touched my patients with as much humor as you have given me. Good job! Well done!” said conference attendee LB Edmonton.
“Thank you for the outstanding conference! Ms. Bancroft is brilliant, current, and up-to-date with her practice & lectures. She was informative and had me laughing so much because of her practical sense of humor. I have been a nurse for 33 years practicing in critical care, and I find myself learning so much from her lectures!” said conference attendee Susan Chan.
The conference is beneficial to nurses in all practice settings: Practitioners, Clinicians, Educators, Public Health, School Nurses and other Health Care Providers who need clinical updates as well as Nursing Students.
Registration Fees: (includes nursing contact hours, networking lunches, & digital handouts)
- Before Sept 1: $125.00 per person
- After Sept 1: $150.00 per person
- Pre-licensure Nursing Student: $50.00
The registration deadline is October 5, 2017.
To register online, visit
To register over the phone, call Monica Speak at 870.577.5325.
For questions, please contact Deanne A. Blach, MSN, RN Conference Chair at 870.715.7508.