Leadership has law enforcement session

PRESCOTT – Leadership Nevada County held its Law Enforcement session on August 10. The morning started off at the Nevada County Jail and a visit with Nevada County Sheriff Danny Martin and Jail Administrator Preston (PEP) Glen and donuts.
The class toured the jail, and went to the Prescott Police Department where Chief Joey Beavers gave an overview of the police department.
The class had guest from the several places including Sergeant Ray Gentry and Sergeant Robert Wilson with the Arkansas State Police, Christi McQueen and Traci Graham with the Eighth Judicial District Prosecuting Attorney’s office, and Bro. Perry Johnson spoke to the class on what a Police Chaplin is and his experience in that role.
Lunch was at Izzy’s Place, followed by a trip to the Arkansas Law Enforcement Training Academy (ALETA) in Camden. Liz Jones showed the class around the campus and gave them an overview of the facility. The class participated in a Firearms Training Simulator.
Anyone interested in knowing more about Leadership Nevada County and how to be a part of the next Leadership class, can call Mary or Tammie at the Economic Development Office at 887-6208.