Texarkana Rotary donates to UAHT

TEXARKANA – The Wilbur Smith Rotary Club of Texarkana recently donated $500 to the University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana Foundation.
The scholarship will benefit a student at the U of A Texarkana campus. The scholarship is funded by the Rotary Flag Project which benefits area Rotary charities.
The flag project is a program that, for a nominal contribution, allows Rotary to place a United States flag in front of your business and/or home six times each year. The Wilbur Smith Rotary Club has been promoting the flag project for over ten years and has raised over a million dollars.
“In the advent of nearing the completion of the splash pad at Spring Lake Park, the club decided to reallocate some flag funds to scholarships at the beginning of 2017,” said Skylar Rogers, Scholarship Committee Chairman. “In the past, TC and A&M have been receiving $500 for undergraduate scholarships, so as the appointed Chairman of the Scholarship Committee, I wanted to expand the undergraduate scholarships to U of A Texarkana students as we are all excited and proud to have the University of Arkansas System in our community.”
“This is just the beginning of the impact that the Wilbur Smith Rotary Scholarship will have on the future generations of Texarkana, USA. We rolled out three undergraduate scholarships and three graduate student scholarships this year, and we expect to increase this number in the future with additional fundraising activities in addition to the Rotary Flag Project. These fundraising events will allow individuals to have a slightly easier climb towards their defining achievement of a college education.”
“Knowledge is power, and the desire of knowledge is sadly and ironically becoming rarer in the age of infinite information. Members of our community empowering the community is what Rotary is all about!”
For more information about UAHT scholarships, please call 870-722-8516 or visit uacch.edu.
Pictured left to right: Skylar Rogers, Wilbur Smith Rotary Scholarship Committee Chairman; and Jill Bobo, UAHT Foundation Executive Director