National Punch Day



 National Punch Day is observed each year on September 20. While there are several directions this day could go, such as honoring tools used to make holes or a day created to throw a few punches at a punching bag, we will direct you toward the thirst quenching version of the delicious, refreshing drink.  National Punch Day is listed as one many American Food Holidays.

A wide assortment of drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, fall into the category of punch.  Often made with a combination of fruit juice and a carbonated beverage, a punch is served at parties weddings and other celebrations in large, wide bowls known as punch bowls. 

Punch was believed to have been introduced by sailors to England via India in the early seventeenth century.   Punch grew quickly in popularity and was soon spread to other countries.

The word punch is a loanword from Hindi panch (meaning five).  The drink was originally made with five ingredients: alcohol, sugar, lemon, water and tea or spices.  The original drink was named paantsch.

Soft drink manufacturers today distribute many types of “fruit punch” beverages.  Typically they are red in color and despite the name, they only contain a small fraction of actual fruit juice with the major constituents being sugar or corn syrup, citric acid, and artificial flavors.


Make some punch. There are thousands of punch recipes available for you in recipe books and online. Use #NationalPunchDay to post on social media.  


Within our research, we were unable to find the origin of National Punch Day.

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