NSB informed of ESSA
ROSSTON – Nevada’s School Board was informed of a new federal program called the “Every Student Succeeds Act” (ESSA) at its September meeting.
According to Rick McAfee, superintendent of the Nevada School District, the ESSA replaces the No Child Left Behind Act and identifies schools in need of improvement based on a set of scales. The Nevada district has been identified as a needs improvement focus school at this time.
Michael Odom, Nevada principal, followed pointing out both Nevada high and elementary are in the “achieving” status, and both are accredited, meeting all standards as set by the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE). This information, he added, can be found on the district’s web site: www.nevadaschooldistrict.net at any time.
McAfee said the district is taking steps to ensure teaching and learning takes place in all classrooms. Recent changes from the Arkansas Legislature and ADE, he added, are allowing the district more flexibility in meeting the needs of individual students. One of these is a change in the Academic Improvement Plans (AIP), which are no longer required. The district, he said, will be moving from AIO to Student Success Plans (SSP) in the spring. This process will allow students to be map out their college and career goals, with the district working to help the students achieve them.
Nevada is also involved in a program called Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) which is designed to improve the behavior and academics of students in the seventh and eighth grades. These, McAfee said, are important pivotal years for students and the district wants them to be prepared for their high school careers. “We believe it is important to capitalize on the best instructional and discipline practices for this age group.”
Odom followed saying NHS will be modifying this structure but use the “safety net” implemented last spring. This, he told the board, is designed to reduce the number of missed assignments that can impact a student’s grade and learning. The program is basically a reward for students making sure their homework is turned in on time. Those achieving this goal are allowed parties, while those who don’t are given the opportunity to get caught up.
The NHS’s Leadership Team, he continued, is researching alternative high school scheduling that could include block or modified schedules, possible later start times and/or flexible scheduling. The district, he said, is still committed to making sure its students are college and career ready when they graduate. “We will continue to network with local colleges and universities to increase our concurrent credit enrollment in college and career programs.”
NES is also committed to providing the best instructional practices as well, and has made the following changes: teachers have been trained in Cognitively Guided Mathematics (CGI), and a new dyslexia intervention program has been bought and implemented.
The NES’ Leadership Team is working on best practices in teaching vocabulary and researching ways the entire school can be involved, such as displaying vocabulary words in common places, such as the cafeteria, hallways and sidewalks. Teachers have also compiled a comprehensive list of necessary vocabulary words to help students be more successful in their education.
Parents were also invited to become more involved with the district and partner with the school. This, Odom said, can be done by: attending parent-teacher conferences; volunteering to mentor students at school; meeting with teachers, counselors and administrators; insuring their student is prepared daily for school; monitoring their students’ classroom and homework assignments; and contacting the district at 870-871-2418 if there are any problems the district can help with.
During the board’s regular monthly meeting, new officers were elected. Todd Brown will be the president, with Brandon Rhodes vice president. Jeremy Casey will be the board’s secretary.
The board approved its 2017-18 operating budget, as well as the ACSIP/federal budgets for this school year. The special education budget was also approved, as was the district’s minority teacher and administrator recruitment plan.
Upcoming dates for patrons of the district to remember are: Oct. 12, the Blue-Gray game; Oct. 19, parent-teacher conference from 4-7 p.m.; the Oct. board meeting on Oct. 26 at 7 p.m.; and the school and mini-mass flu clinics on Oct. 31.