National Ghost Hunting Day

On the last Saturday in September as part of the World’s Largest Ghost Hunt, National Ghost Hunting Day kicks off an annual international investigation of the paranormal.
Ghost hunting stirs up images of abandoned mansions with murderous histories or specters guarding ancient crypts. For ages gone by, many of the ghost stories around the world center around historical records or literature. Their existence has been widely debated in religion, science and academia. Even their use by Shakespeare and other playwrights is often considered a continuation of that discussion in the midst of the Renaissance stage.
Seeking paranormal activity isn’t limited to crumbling ruins and darkened, forgotten corners of the world. Both Ann Bolyen’s ghost in the Tower of London and several haunted spaces in the White House in Washington, D.C. are two very public and populated places which come to mind. Enthusiasts bring attention to historical properties and have an interest in preservation as well. From Civil War-era towns like Old Salt Sulphur Springs in Virgina to ghost walks in old opera houses like Rohs Opera House in Kentucky and train loving ghosts in Colorado, many locations are ready for sleuthing on National Ghost Hunting Day.
Perhaps it’s the anticipation for the novice who has yet to experience the thrill of witnessing a restless soul making contact for the first time that lures him into a first haunted journey. From an eerie ghost story read by flashlight under the bedsheets or unexplained blur on a snapshot, the investigator’s interest may be held by just the prospect of a spirit lingering nearby. Actual sightings are rare and fleeting.
With the increase of movies and television shows going on the hunt, interest has grown. Societies around the world continue to develop methods of proving the existence of ghosts, spirits and other paranormal activity. Typically, a ghost hunting team will attempt to collect evidence that they see as supportive of paranormal activity. Devices such as an EMF meter, digital thermometer, handheld and static digital video cameras, audio recorders and computers are all part of a team’s tool box. They also employ traditional techniques like conducting interviews and researching the history of a site.
However, skeptics remain. Considered a pseudoscience by a majority of educators, academics and science writers, ghost hunting leads to noble acts, including the preservation of historical sites, the American Folklore Story and the integration of known scientific tools for reaching into challenging dimensional theories. It is with a tremendous sense of discovery and enthusiasm that National Ghost Hunting Day is celebrated.
National Ghost Hunting Day will kick off with the Shot-Gun start at The ScareFest in Lexington, KY. To join in the coast-to-coast simultaneous hunt, find a satellite team near you! National ghost hunting societies will be participating across the country investigating local venues. Use #NationalGhostHuntingDay to share on social media.
Haunted Travels founded National Ghost Hunting Day to kick off a season full of haunted attractions, fall festivities, encouraging enthusiasts to pursue their interests in the mysteries surrounding the supernatural and to carry on the long-held traditions of ghost hunters. One hundred percent of funds raised through tickets sales go to local non-profit pet shelters in each participating community. The Registrar at National Day Calendar approved the day in July of 2016.