Good crowd for Hope flu clinic

HOPE – While the Hempstead County Health Unit’s mass flu clinic may have started off slow, there was a steady stream of people at Hempstead Hall to get a flu shot Friday morning.
Debbie Howard, HCHU administrator, said the HCHU had brought around 780 doses of vaccine to the clinic, having given around 600 shots last year. Student LPN nurses were on hand to give the vaccinations, while members of the HCHU nursing staff and instructors with the University of Arkansas Community College at Hope, made sure they followed the proper procedure.
Not everyone was thrilled to get a shot. One nursing student appeared to be opposed to the idea of being on the receiving end of the needle, but had no problems injecting others. A few other patrons seemed to share her sentiments with a couple yelling when injected.
This year’s clinic was made easier and quicker with simpler forms and a one shot fits all vaccine. This year’s vaccine, using a dead virus, is for the four major strains of flu expected to be seen this year. Anyone six months and up can get a flu shot.
Normally, flu season runs from December through March. This year, though, the Arkansas Department of Health has stated flu cases have already been seen in Northwest and Central Arkansas. Last year 65 Arkansans died from the flu.
Though the mass flu clinic may have ended Friday afternoon, the HCHU will still be holding school flu clinics in Hempstead County. On Oct. 9, the clinics will be at Head Start and Yerger Middle School. Clinton Primary and the ABC School and Pre-K clinic will be held on Oct. 10, while Beryl Henry and Hope High School students can get a flu shot on Oct. 11. HAPS will be done on Oct. 12.
On Oct. 17, Howard will take her crew to Garrett Memorial Baptist School for a flu clinic, and be on the road to Blevins on Oct. 18. The clinics will end on Oct. 19 when the HCHU holds a flu clinic at Spring Hill.
Forms have been sent home for parents/guardians to fill out and have returned. Those who didn’t get a consent form can fill one out online at Those who may need help with the online registration process can get assistance by calling 1-866-671-7266 between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Monday-Friday.