Hempstead County Historical Society Meeting Tuesday October 17

The Hempstead County Historical Society will be holding a meeting on Tuesday evening October 17, 2017 at the Presbyterian Church in Washington, Arkansas at 7pm. Everyone is invited to come. Ed Talley, Local Historian of Hempstead County, will be the speaker and present on the work of Arkansas Archeologist Dr. Skip Stewart-Abernathy in Washington. Much of the restoration efforts at Historic Washington is based off the work of Dr. Abernathy on the Simon T. Sanders and Abraham Block homes. Dr. Abernathy’s work expanded the knowledge of 19th century Arkansas community landscapes.
The Historical Society seeks to bring awareness to the rich heritage and history of Hempstead County. Plans for more presentations are planned for the upcoming months. Come and share your history with us.
If you have any questions concerning the event itself call 870-703-8256 or email joshuawilliams14@hotmail.com.