Hope Tour of Facilities

The Hope City Board held their annual “Tour of Facilities” Tuesday October 17th. The board met at City Hall and headed to the Hope Police Department to look at the detective’s office and look at an area being considered for expansion. Currently four detectives share the cramped room. The board also checked out the police evidence storage facility. After the police department, the board traced the area from the Kiamichi tracks on 6th to Spring Hill Road to look at an area under consideration for reconstruction. 6th Street needs to be rebuilt and more storm drainage added. The board also hopes to add a bike lane if they are able to tackle the project.
The board headed to the West Wastewater Plant and the City Landfill. Both facilities are remarkably clean and neat. Work on the wastewater plant should prolong the life of that facility for several more decades. The board looked a new cell being developed at the landfill. The landfill project is nearly complete and comprises nearly 13 acres. This cell will hold household garbage.
The tour headed north to look at the Hope Airport. The 77 year old hanger is in particularly good shape with several new improvements. The board also discussed some possible improvements to the fueling area.
The tour ended up with a close-up look at the city’s rail spur. The boad saw some ties that need to be replaced and will be shortly and also heard a description of what will be done to improve the spur if the city receives a grant. The board also heard about the spur’s importance to local industries such as Hexion.
The board headed back to town for lunch following the tour. The city board met Tuesay night for a regularly scheduled meeting.