City jail getting facelift


PRESCOTT – Members of one of the Leadership Nevada County teams decided to spruce up the old City Jail at City Hall as their project.

The team, made up of Robert Missey, Carla Christopher, Bruce Bean and Susan Wright, came up with the idea while at the retreat earlier this year and got it approved by the Leadership’s Board of Directors.

The structure will be painted white on the outside, with the bars being painted black. The interior walls and ceiling will be painted silver. Bean said the project will cost around $300 to do, and the funds were obtained from donations from the Kiwanis Club and Firestone. All materials were purchased locally at Gilbert’s Lumber.

Things didn’t start off smoothly as the five-gallon bucket of silver paint hadn’t been mixed up. Initially efforts were tried mixing the paint by hand, only to find this was a painfully slow process at best. Perry Nelson, superintendent of the Water and Sewer Department, Leadership graduate and member of the Leadership board, bent a piece of rebar he had in his truck and attached it to a drill. This proved to be a better method of mixing the paint.

Once the paint was mixes, Missey went inside the old jail and began covering a back wall. It was quickly discovered five gallons wouldn’t be enough.

The team has a December deadline to finish the project, as it must be done prior to the annual graduation banquet. All agreed they’d be done well before the deadline, and will return to the project when time and weather conditions permit.

3 thoughts on “City jail getting facelift

    1. Maybe he can come up with a solution to repair the broken fire hydrant at the Highway Department shop located on Hwy 371 between Prescott and Laneburg. It has been out of service for a long time and needs to be repaired or replaced.

      1. Has it been reported? I cannot answer for him on his business or how his job works. I was praising his inventiveness on solving a problem with paint. If you have a water issue, contact the City Hall and address it there. Even if you have to report it again – that is where the work orders originate I am sure. But I feel quite sure he can remedy whatever issue there is with it.

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