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Hope Lions Hear Arkansas Department Of Transportation Program

By Staff, 10/27/17 9:19 AM

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HOPE- The Hope Lions heard from William Cheatham of the Arkansas Department of Transportation (the new name for what we think of as the Arkansas Highway Department) on Monday October 23rd.  Cheatham noted the “administrative cost per mile” for the Department of Transportation is the third lowest in the nation. He also noted the Arkansas Department of Transporation is one of the only state agencies that has fewer employees than it did forty years ago. Currently the Arkansas DOT has 3,672 employees. He talked about highway funding programs and also gave some updates on local projects. He noted the I-30 project from Mandeville to Exit 12 in Miller County should wrap up in the next two weeks. The project from Exit 12 to in front of the Boll Weevil should also be finished within two weeks.

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