Events planned to honor veterans

HOPE/PRESCOTT – Saturday is Veteran’s Day.
Across the nation, different events will be held showing appreciation to the men and women who serve and have served in America’s Armed Forces. However, not enough can ever be done to recognize the sacrifices these men and women make and have made to protect the freedoms many, all too often, take for granted.
Events have been scheduled in both Hope and Prescott to honor veterans. Friday at Hempstead Hall, on the campus of the University of Arkansas Community College at Hope (UACCH), an event will be held honoring veterans. The doors will open at 11 a.m., lunch will be served and followed by several speakers.
According to Bob Willis, the main speaker will be George Baker from Arkadelphia. Other speakers include Jim Williams with Veteran’s Services, and Brianna and Huck Plyler. The Junior Air Force ROTC cadets will post the colors and lead the Pledge of Allegiance, while the Lions Club will lead in the singing of the national anthem.
In Prescott Friday, an event will be held in the Prescott High School cafeteria. All veterans are welcome and encouraged to attend. Brunch will be provided. On Saturday, the local Veterans of Foreign War will have a Veteran’s Day Parade at 4 p.m. The parade will start at Central Baptist Church.
Such events are but small tokens of appreciation communities can provide to show those who have served this nation their efforts were not in vain, nor will they ever be forgotten.