Lions Club gears up for auction
PRESCOTT – Prescott’s Lions Club has made some big changes for its annual Christmas Auction.
The Lions Club Annual Christmas Auction will be held on Thursday night, November 16 and Saturday night, November 18 at the Nevada County Fairgrounds in the Potlatch Building beginning at 6 p.m. both nights. The club decided to make these changes to give them more time to get Christmas Baskets together and to give the consumer a bigger jump start on their Christmas shopping. The club chose not to have the auction on Friday night as the Prescott Curley Wolves will begin their playoff journey on the week before and hopefully still be playing on Nov. 17. Nonetheless, the Prescott Lions Club hopes the public will embrace these changes and come out to the auction both nights.
Moving locations from the Nevada County Courthouse to the fairgrounds will give everyone a bit more room. Auction items will be able to be displayed better and more seating is available.
If you have any questions about the auction or have an item you would like to donate to the auction please contact Lions Club President Penny Lynch at 870-703-7273, Patsy Laughard at 870-793-1480, or Curtis Johnson at 870-703-0332. We would be glad to come to you and pick up your donation.
One of the important Code of Ethics for the Prescott Lions Club is to aid others by giving sympathy to those in distress, aid to the weak, and substance to the needy. Because of the compassionate contributors, the Prescott Lions Club Christmas Auction would not be a success each year. Please help us to help our community and attend the auction on November 16 and 18.