Hempstead County Quorum Court
The Hempstead County Quorum Court met Thursday November 16th for their regular monthly meeting. There was a quorum.
The JP’s approved a change in the minutes. They then approved spending up to $2,500 on legal fees.
Ed Darling gave an update on the Farmers Bank purchase. Darling said the plan is for the county to purchase the bank for$1.5 million dollars with closing in late December. The bank would then lease the building from the county from 15 to 18 months. It is expected the bank would pay around $44,000 during that period. Darling said he had hoped to have the contract from the bank but it was held up by insurance. It is expected to be considered at a special meeting.
The board approved a transfer ordinance for $9,456 for a truck from 9-1-1. This truck will be used by the county.
The JP’S approved transfer from the voluntary tax fund to the Hempstead County Sheriff’s Department and the jail fund. The deputies are compensated from this fund by the years of service. A little over$20,000 was pledged in the voluntary tax this year.
The JP’S voted to levy personal and property taxes for 2017 to be collected in 2018.
An ordinance was approved to accept an insurance check for $17,970 to pay for a Sheriff’s vehicle struck by lightning. There was also some vehicle expenses transferred.
An ordinance to transfer funds from the road budget and the Solid Waste budget. This will cover a uniform budget.
A resolution was approved to repeal a previous resolution from February on the purchase of the Farmers Bank building.
Ed Darling gave a report on the proposed budget and noted the county is ending the year on an upward note. Darling noted some new software for the county clerk’s office. He also noted there was a proposal for two additional positions in the Sheriff’s Department. Darling noted there were proposals for salary increases and Christmas bonuses. There is $135,000 for new election machines as well. The special budget meeting will be December 4th on 4:30pm.
JP Jesse Henry moved the JP’s go ahead and appove Christmas bonuses of $500. That motion was approved and then an ordinance approving it and appropriating some funds out of the miscellaneous fund was approved.
Sheriff James Singleton Singleton noted his department is giving a class to churches on active shooter classes. The first one will be at Rafter J Cowboy Church. They hope to cover all the churches. Anyone who is interested in the first one can call the Sheriff’s Department at 777-6727.
The meeting then adjourned.