Library hosts community appreciation event

PRESCOTT – It was party time at the Nevada County Library Friday as Theresa Tyree hosted an appreciation event for patrons and members of the community.
The library was decorated for the holidays with trees everywhere. The community room was also bedecked for the holidays and had a table full of tasty treats for those who came to the event.
Tyree said this was to show the library’s thanks for the support it’s received this year from the community and volunteers. “This was a transition for me,” she said.
She said the library is expecting a bright future and good 2018 as well with new improvements and services on tap. There will be big screen smart TVs available for presentations, with one being in the genealogy room. A smaller flat screen TV will be in the children’s area to be used as a reward for children who read. In addition, children who read at least 30 minutes will be able to check out Kindles and download games to play on them.
The library now has video security inside and out, with the wifi being on 24-7.
The goal, Tyree said, is to get more children in the library. To help do this, she added, more e-books will be available for the youngsters.
While the celebration got off to a bit of a slow start, it didn’t take long before the community room was packed with people sampling the various goodies.