Christmas concert Saturday

HOPE – The Hope Area Community Chorus will bring an evening of Christmas music in a concert on Saturday, December 16, at 7 p.m., in the sanctuary of First Presbyterian Church, Hope.
The concert is free and the public is encouraged to attend.
“Last year our fist Community Chorus effort was a ‘Service of Lessons and Carols’,” said Wes Reed, the Director of the Chorus. “This year the program is composed of both secular and religious music. There will be opportunity for the audience to sing along with some carols and old favorites.”
The Chorus is composed of singers from the area. Some come from Washington, Texarkana, and even Dallas, as well as Hope. Seven students from Henderson State University, Arkadelphia, will be joining the Chorus. “We have included music majors in the past, and are doing so, again, for this concert,” said Kathleen Hignight, pastor of church. “We can always use some younger voices; however, we have included students to help them have firsthand experience of singing with a group of mixed abilities. We want to give them the opportunity to experience a group of multi-generational singers which they don’t have while singing with a college choir.”
The Chorus will be accompanied on the new Magnus Organ which was installed in late November. The organ is a virtual organ—the next generation of organs after analog and digital organs. The instrument can replicate the exact sound of many well known organs. This instrument was custom designed by Reed. “It is phenomenal what it can do, and how it duplicates a pipe organ,” he said. A dedication of the instrument will come after the new year.