Mineral Springs Woman dies in Highway 67 Wreck

​A 56 year old Mineral Springs woman died in a three vehicle accident shortly before 6pm on December 26th. According to the Arkansas State Police, a 2007 Frod Ranger was traveling north on US 67 in Miller County near the 17 mile marker when it slowed to make a turn. This vehicle was driven by 56 year old Jaaque D. Tollett. The Tollett vehicle was struck from behind by a 2002 Ford Explorer whose driver was not identified in the police report. The Tollett vehicle overturned and traveled into the southbound lane where it was struck by a 2016 Dodge Ram which whose driver was not identified. Tollett was thrown from the vehicle and pronounced dead at the scene by Miller County
Coroner Josh Hawkins. The road was dry at the time of the accident. The drivers of the other vehicles were uninjured. The accident was investigated by Corporal Christina Bussey of Troop G of the Arkansas State Police.

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