Moore’s PES 4th grade resolutions


These are the resolutions for Moore’s fourth grade class at PES for 2018:

In 2018, I hope that I can be a better person by being an even better friend to all my friends in fourth grade. – America Roach

Next year in 2018, I ‘m going to be nicer to my brothers and mostly my little brother because he is only 7 years old and I’m going to exercise more and eat healthy so I will get bigger muscles than what I have now. That’s my new year’s resolution. – Ashtin Dilworth

My 2018 new year’s resolution is to: help the poor, read more books, be nice to others, stay out of other people’s business, and play basketball. – Bri’An Vanhook

I plan to help people if they are hurt at school and to be nice to people. – Caleb Nivens

What I would like to do starting in 2018 is to help the poor, improve at long division, read more books, have better behavior, and be on a soccer team. – Cinthia Hurrea

For my next year’s resolution, I should probably start reading faster than I can now. I should also get better at trying new things. Plus, I’m terrible at typing and writing so I should probably start getting better at those two things. I also really, really want to learn how to cook. The most important thing is that I pay attention better. So that’s what I want to achieve next year. – Cohen Ratcliff

For my new year’s resolution, I would like to do 5 good deeds, exercise & and work more. – Dalton Stockton

In 2018 I want to treat people how I want to be treated. In 2018, I also want to take care of my nanny Pat, my mom, dad, pawpaw, granny, and meme. – Dwantesha Ross

My new year’s resolution is to help the homeless, mind my parents, give monty to charity, and help people carry groceries in. – Hayley Rash

My new year’s resolution is to break a bad habit of smacking. – Jacob Carlton

I want to improve my attitude. – Jamesha Burton

My new year’s resolution is to help the poor, be nice to other people, try new food, and be kind to others. – Kenzie McKinnon

I’m going to be good to others. – Luther Williams

I want to work on my math and spelling skills in class and even English. – Raymond Welch

My new year’s resolution is to lose weight, exercise, an even eat healthy food. I also want to be nicer than I am now. I’m also going to be a nicer friend. – Santiago Delgado

Next year I want to be a better friend. I want eat healthy and exercise I want to be nicer to other people and I want to get good grades, be nice to my classmates, and a lot of other things. – Tyra Love

In 2018, I hope that I can be a good friend to people. – Amario Monk

I want to make the world a better place and make myself a better person for the world. – Xavier Brown

My new year’s resolution is to help kids read more books. When I grow up I want to be a teacher so I can help the kids that need help. When the kids get better they can help the other kids. This is what I want to do for my new year’s resolution next year. – Kianna Martin

I want to help the citizens at the nursing home. – Adam Kaiser



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