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Venables’ homeroom resolutions

By Staff, 01/1/18 8:55 AM


These are the New Year’s Resolutions from Venables’ homeroom.

If you had a New Year’s Resolution what would it be? I know what mine would be so here we go. I want to be nicer and more understanding to my family and friends. Also, I want to get a lot of AR points so I can go on the AR field trip. The last one would be to get better at gymnastics so I can be on the 7th grade cheer squad.

First of all, I want to always keep a positive attitude. I am not always a sweetheart but I try. Because my brother acts like a father to me I am not always the kindest thing to him. I am just going to tune him out so I won’t retaliate. I also sometimes get upset with my friends but we always make up. I want to be the kind of friend who makes peace not start a friend war. Another thing is I need to be more respectful to my parents because they support me in my goals and love me unconditionally.

Next, I better get my AR points. If I want to go on that trip at the end of the year, I need to read, read, read! Every month, you get a pizza coupon, but here’s the catch you have to have a certain amount of points, if you don’t then no coupon for you! I also don’t feel full unless I have over 50 AR points, I feel melancholy.

Last, I want to be the best cheerleader ever! I already have my round-off back handspring and a back handspring might as well make it round-off tuck and tuck! I also just want to be a cheerleader because I’ve been doing it my whole life basically. Whenever my friends will cheer next year, I want to be just like them in 7th grade. In order to do that I’ll work my tail off in gymnastics so there would be doubt that if I made the team.

As you can see why I want to make these resolutions for New Years. Hope you achieve yours while I achieve mine. I wish you a Happy New Year1

Caytlee Poole

My new Resolution is cheeraing another is to play bacitball and I need to have good grads so I can go to colles when I get older so I can be a vetanaian so I can save amails lifte so they can get hatty and a nother goal is to get better at math, social studys and reading so I can get good grads at school.


My New Years Resolution is to become a better singer. I am a hobble singer. I need more prast. My low notes are good but my High notes are bad.


My new years Resolution is I want to be the top of my class in reading so I can make my grammy proud.

My second Resolution is grow more watermelons. So I can sell more watermelons.

My third Resolution is for me and my sister to get along better so we can do more fun stuff and she will be on the bus next year and I don’t want to fight.


My New Years Resolution is to be a star student and a straight A student. I feel that if I set my goals I could do many of my great dreams and I could do many things when I grow up. I would really love to do most of my dreams when I grow up. That’s what I want my New Years Resolution to be.


My New Years Resolution is to get better grads in math becase I’m not doing good in it. Speeling to I’m not doing so good in it ether. Writing it’s the same not so good at it ether.

Sam P.

My New’s Years Resolution to be security officer in-class because it’s responsibility, respect.

First of all Responsibility for taking care of somebody when they are hurt.

Second of all Respect. Respect the slools property that they buy and use their own money to buy.

Conclusion is FM Responsibility and Respectful. Plese let me be your class security officer!!!

Loyal Clardy

Im going to tell you some of my new years resolutions. My first New years resolution is to loose weight. I wanna loose weight because I’m tired of getting talked about being fat. My second New years resolution is to quit talking so much. I wanna quit talking so much because I get in trouble mainly because of that. My third resolution is to be more kind to people because I feel like I’m kinda mean sometimes. My fourth one is to have better grades in math class. I wanna make better grades in math because that’s where I’m having the most problems. My fifth New Years Resolution is to help more. I wanna help more because I think I don’t help enough. My sixth resolution is to succed more at things. I want to succed more because I want to succed at more things. My seventh New Years Resolution is to work harder at things. I need to work harder because I don’t think I do work hard. My eighth resolution is to excel at things like sports and other things. My nineth New Years Resolution is to have a better attitude to teachers and other people. My tenth resolution is too be more funnier. I wanna be more funnier because I think I’m losing my funny. My last New Years Resolution is to be a better person. These are my New Years Resolution’s.

Takaden McKillion

My new year resolution I am going to losess what a and go on a dite.

First of all. I need to losse whate because when my class rans track. I allwas come in last place and there is 23 kid in my class.

Last, I never git aney tacels in football. Because I am over whate. Because of thess my coch made me Play with 4th and 3rd graders.

That is why I whant to lose whate.

Zackary Wright

My New Years Resolution is running and soccer. I think that I can get better at running and soccer if practice every day. Why I think that I want to do running and soccer is because that I really really like soccer and in running I like to run because that you get to focus on beating people and win some prize or money. I like running and soccer because that they kind of the same because that in soccer you also have to run to score a goal. The differents for soccer and running is in soccer you get to kick the ball, you got to make a goal with out touching the ball, you also got to hit the ball with your chest or your head with it and you can’t touch the ball or it is a foul. Now you know my new years resolution.

Emari Britton

My New Years Resolution is to have a great exersize. I want to get healthy next year.

First, I want to have 6 front-flips because that helps my agility get better. I also want to run 1 mile or 4 laps around the track. Then I do sit ups with my brother Avery every weekday but not weekend.

Next, I eat healthy foods such as carrots, lettuce, crutons and tomatos. That helps me with starting a diet. Then I can get stronger and more muscle.

Obvously, my New Years Resolution is to be healthy.

Spencer Hubbard

My first New Years Resolution is to become a better basketball player. I to first work on my shoot, second my dribbling skills, and third my defense.

First of all my shooting need a bit worked on. The lay ups are a piece of cake for me. Close range is perfect my mid range can be better but it would go in or go out. Free throws can be better I need to relax at the line so it will go in the goal.

Seocnd, is that I have to work on my handles ps it means drippling skills. I can do mostly all my dribbling things.

Third, is my defense my defense is great I neet stop getting on the person I play back a little. I move my feet quickly so I don’t get messed up or fall.

Decari Prater

Do you have a New Years resolution? Well I do. My new Years resolution is to be better at my piano. Do you want to know why or how?

Then keep reading.

I want to be better at playing the piano because I like playing it. Wait no I love playing it. I want to be able to not get my bass clef notes confused. I keep saying F,A,C,E instead of A,C,E,G. I also keep saying E,G,B,D,F instead of G,B,D,F,A. That’s my first reason how I want to do better.

My second reason is why I want to be better. I want to be better so I can play at church more. I’ve only play at church a couple of times. I’ve played No Tears in Heaven, Silent Night, Little Drumer Boy, and Nothing but the Blood. I’ve played more but I can’t rember the rest.

That is all the reason why and how I want to be better at piano. I will work hard to accomplish my resolution.

Abby Rothenberger

My New Years Resolution is to get better at dancing.

First of all, I want to get better at dancing because eventime I want to dance in front of my family I get scared that there going to laugh. I see them dancing and I want to dance too. Even though family is not to laugh it is too injoy it but that is why I want to get better at dancing.

Next, so when I want to be a singer I can dance also. I can dance in front of people nd be scared.

That is why I want to be a better dancer.


My New Year resolution is to be good at baseball because I want to be able to hit a hime run every time. Also to be a champion in baseball because I want to go to the finals. Also to be able to go places and see new things and try new foods. That why my new Year resolution is to be good at baseball.

Colton Wade Brzeski

My new years resolution is to be good at football and basketball because I want to be fast not slow and I want to throw farther than anybody and basketball because I want to shoot better like Steph Curry and have all of those sweet and and cool crossovers and I want to learn how to shoot 3ps and I want to be a pg at basketball and I want to be skinny like the rest of my family. Oh and baseball I’m good at that but I need to hit hard than anything cause it is going to be homeruns and matter fact I need to try to make it to the professional league and be better than Cari and any one else so I am going to try my best to make it to the top 5 so my family is going to be proud of me so we can live a happy life were ever we move it is going to be the best time of my life because my family is going to live with me so this is going to be the best.


My New Years Resolution is to play video games.

Because I wanna be like my uncle. On a computer almost all the time and might be a youtuber next year which will happen. So that’s my new years resolution.

P.S. I’m starting it very soon. Why so I can be fully rich one day so the only way I could think of is youtube because of the viewers. Thats how you get money off of you tube.




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